[HISTORY: Adopted by Board of Trustees of the Charter Township of Northville 7-11-1991 as Ch. 3 of Code of Ordinances. Amendments noted where applicable.]
It is the intent and purpose of this chapter to provide the means and methods for encouraging and assisting industrial and commercial enterprises in locating, purchasing, constructing, reconstructing, modernizing, improving, maintaining, repairing, furnishing, equipping and expanding in the Township and to encourage the location and expansion of commercial enterprises to more conveniently provide needed services and facilities to the Township and its residents and for assisting the Township and its citizens in strengthening their industrial, commercial and residential base.
The application for permission to incorporate the Economic Development Corporation of the Township submitted to the Township Board at its regular meeting held on May 31, 1977, by William Miron, Ross B. Northrop and John Dugan pursuant to Act 38 of the Public Acts of 1976, being §§ 125.1601 through 125.1636 of the Compiled Laws of the State of Michigan, was brought on for public hearing on June 23, 1977, after notice of the time and place of the hearing was published in the Northville Record on June 8, 1977, being not less than 10 days before the date set for the hearing, and the Township Board having duly held said public hearing and well and truly considered the matter and no other applications having been filed, the Board of Trustees of the Township approved the incorporation of the Economic Development Corporation in the same form and substance as in the application, including the Articles of Incorporation set forth as follows.
These Articles of Incorporation are signed by the incorporators for the purpose of forming an Economic Development Corporation pursuant to the provisions of Public Act 338 of 1974, as amended, as follows: