[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Batavia 7-20-2011.[1] Amendments noted where applicable.]
Editor's Note: This resolution also superseded former Ch. 54, Smoking Policy, adopted 11-30-1994.
This policy has been established to protect and promote the health and well-being of employees and visitors. Tobacco use is responsible for the premature deaths of over 430,000 Americans each year. Secondhand smoke is responsible for over 50,000 deaths among non-smokers each year. This policy will help to reduce the death and disease caused by tobacco and substance use such as heart attacks, lung cancer, oral cancer and other serious and costly diseases and illnesses. The Town of Batavia has an obligation to its employees and the public to take action known to protect peoples' health. The use of tobacco products by employees or visitors compromises the mission of the Town of Batavia providing a safe and healthy place to conduct business. The policy set forth below is effective September 1, 2011 for Town of Batavia.
The workplace and Town properties are now tobacco-free, alcohol-free and illegal-substance-free, without exception: specifically, the buildings and grounds, parks and recreational areas, and Town-of-Batavia-owned vehicles at all times, and any vehicles on the property.
Signs stating the policy will be clearly posted on the perimeter of the property, at all entrances, and other prominent places. No ashtrays or other collection receptacles for tobacco trash will be placed on the property.
Compliance with the smoke-free and substance-free policy is mandatory for all employees and persons visiting, with no exceptions. Enforcement of this policy is the shared responsibility of all Town of Batavia personnel. All employees are authorized and encouraged to communicate this policy with courtesy, respect, and diplomacy, especially with regard to visitors. If difficulties arise with compliance of this policy, notify a department head. Incidents of smoking, tobacco use, and substance use by employees are to be documented for supervisor follow-up, as well as evaluated for trends and patterns of noncompliance.
The Town of Batavia encourages all employees who use tobacco and/or substances to quit. The Town of Batavia Employee Assistance Program offers support for employees who are trying to quit smoking or chewing tobacco. Tobacco cessation information is also available from Royal Employer Services, the Town of Batavia EAP, toll-free number 1-888-244-0680, or by contacting the EAP Program Coordinator at lpfalzer@gcasa.org.
Any questions regarding the tobacco-free and substance-free property policy should be directed in writing to the Batavia Town Clerk's Office.