[Adopted 5-13-1968]
[Amended 12-8-2005 by Ord. No. 05-23]
Any person who discharges any firearm within the Town, or any bow and arrow or crossbow within 300 feet of any structure used, zoned or occupied for residential, commercial, or industrial purposes or within 300 feet from the property line of any structure used, zoned or occupied for educational purposes, including, but not limited to, any public school within the Town, except as provided hereinafter, shall be fined no more than $100.
The provisions of this article shall not apply to:
Persons having hunting licenses issued by the state and who hunt on land owned or leased by the state for such purposes.
Persons who discharge firearms on property owned by themselves or any person who has received permission from the landowner to discharge such firearms for hunting purposes and who has been issued lawful hunting licenses, without causing the spent bullet or pellet to pass over the adjoining property of another.
Law enforcement officers, security guards or other persons employed to protect public or private property while in the performance of such duties.
Persons who discharge firearms on pistol, rifle or shotgun ranges, established prior to June 12, 1968, and located within the Town.
Persons who discharge any paintmarker or paintball marker which is designed and used exclusively for the sport of paintball and upon or within private property with the permission of the owner thereof and without causing any spent pellet to pass over the adjoining property of another.
[Added 4-11-2005 by Ord. No. 05-04]