[Added 4-11-1995 by L.L. No. 1-1995]
[Amended 9-20-2003 by L.L. No. 5-2003]
A snow emergency exists in the Village of Spring Valley whenever snow falls during any period of 24 hours or less to a depth of three inches or more, in that such snowfall constitutes a serious public hazard impairing transportation, the movement of food and fuel supplies, medical care, fire, health, police protection and other vital facilities of the Village. Such an emergency continues for a period of 24 hours or until such earlier time as snow plowing operations have been declared completed by the Superintendent of Public Works of the Village of Spring Valley or his designee.
Whenever such an emergency exists, the Mayor, his designee, or the Superintendent of Public Works of the Village of Spring Valley or his designee shall notify a radio or television station whose normal operating range covers the Village of Spring Valley.
During a snow emergency it shall be unlawful for any person to park or suffer to be parked any vehicle of any kind on or description at any hour upon any street or roadway within the Village of Spring Valley.
However, vehicles may be parked for a period of time not longer than three minutes for actual loading or unloading of passengers or 30 minutes for actual loading or unloading of property, provided that no other local law restricting parking as to place and time is violated thereby. Any vehicle which is loading or unloading passengers or property must move forthwith if directed to do so by the Police, a member of the Department of Public Works or any parking enforcement officer of the Village of Spring Valley.
Any vehicle parked in violation of this section may be tagged or towed at the direction of the Police Department. the Superintendent of Public Works of the Village of Spring Valley or his designee or a parking enforcement officer of the Village of Spring Valley.
The owner of any vehicle parked in violation of this section shall be responsible for all towing and storage charges in addition to a fine of up to $100.
No parking will be allowed on any roads, streets or Village parking lots within the village between the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m. between the dates of November 15 of any year and April 15 of the following year.
[Amended 1-26-2016 by L.L. No. 2-2016]
The Police Department and/or any parking enforcement officer are charged with enforcing this section, which enforcement will involve tagging offending vehicles and, in case of emergency, towing offending vehicles away, subject to the provisions of § 249-40.
[Amended 9-20-2003 by L.L. 5-2003]
Registration. Owners of vehicles who reside in dwellings which do not have private parking facilities available to them and who, perforce, must park their vehicles in designated municipal parking spaces (hereinafter referred to as "exempt vehicles") may register with the Police Department on a form to be prepared by the Police Department, which form shall contain sufficient information to enable the Police Department to contact such persons for the moving of their vehicles when snow removal necessitates such movement.
[Amended 9-20-2003 by L.L. 5-2003]
Shared information. Copies of the parking registration form shall be provided to the Department of Public Works and the Parking Enforcement Officer which will be designated and authorized to also take contact with the vehicle owners when necessary.
[Amended 9-20-2003 by L.L. 5-2003]
Identification. Each registrant shall be provided with a distinctive window sticker which shall be affixed to the rear left passenger window of his vehicle, and vehicles so tabbed and identified shall be exempt from the provisions of § 249-39A for so long as their owners maintain a record of cooperation with police and street personnel when asked to relocate their vehicles in an emergency, which record of cooperation shall be noted on their registration form. Repeated lack of cooperation shall result in revocation of the parking exemption herein created.
Discretion. In the case of violations by nonregistered vehicles, if no immediate snow emergency exists when such vehicles are found, the first tagging of such a vehicle is to be a warning, rather than a citation, said warning to have a reproduction of § 249-39 and this section printed thereon, with a record maintained by vehicle plate number to enable repeating offenders to be cited. Enforcement of these sections should be guided by the purposes for which it was enacted, namely, to enable snow removal.
Exempt vehicles and owner's extended absences. It shall be the responsibility of the owner of an exempt vehicle, when he or she expects to be away from the village without his or her vehicle for more than two consecutive days to so advise the Police Department and, if requested to do so, to park his or her vehicle in a specific spot to be designated by the Superintendent of Public Works or a parking enforcement officer.
[Amended 9-20-2003 by L.L. 5-2003]