[HISTORY: Adopted by the City Council of the City of Papillion as Ch. 1, Art. 11, of the 1990 Code; amended in its entirety 9-19-2023 by Ord. No. 2006. Subsequent amendments noted where applicable.]
Officers and employees — See Ch. 51.
Pensions — See Ch. 60.
Social security — See Ch. 76.
The City Council, by majority vote, shall once a year adopt an ordinance setting forth each full- and part-time employment position and also setting forth the compensation range for each said position, effective from October 1 of each year until September 30 of the following year to coincide with the City's fiscal year. The Human Resources Director, or his or her designee, by and with the concurrence of the department head of each full- and part-time employee, may set the compensation of each employee within the determined compensation range. No compensation for any employee shall be set outside of the compensation range determined pursuant to this section without approval, by majority vote, of the City Council.
The compensation of any elected official shall not be increased or diminished during the term of office for which he was elected, except that elected officials who are elected to the Council or other body having more than one member and terms of one or more members commence and end at different times, the compensation of all members of that body may be increased or diminished at the beginning of the full term of any member thereof. No person who shall have resigned or vacated any elective office shall be again eligible to hold the office during the term he was elected to if after resignation the emoluments have been increased.
The compensation of the Mayor shall be fixed periodically by ordinance adopted by a majority of the members elected to the City Council.
The compensation of the City Council shall be fixed periodically by ordinance adopted by a majority of the members elected to the City Council.
Any person who violates any of the prohibitions or provisions of any section of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor. Unless otherwise specified in the particular section for which the person stands convicted of violating, the penalty for such violation shall be in an amount not to exceed $500 or imprisonment for any length of time not to exceed three months, or both such fine and imprisonment at the discretion of the court.