[HISTORY: Adopted by the Village Board of the Village of Cottage Grove as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Adopted 7-2-1984 as Secs. 7.06 and 7.15 of the 1984 Code; amended in its entirety 2-19-2024 by Ord. No. 03-2024]
No person shall in any manner, directly or indirectly, upon any pretense or by any device, manufacture, sell, exchange, barter, dispose of or give away or keep for sale any cigarettes, including any cigarette paper or cigarette wrappers or any paper made or prepared for the purpose of being filled with tobacco, electronic vaping devices, or tobacco products in the Village without first obtaining a license therefor as hereinafter provided.
The Village Clerk may not issue a license under this article unless the Village Board has determined that the applicant meets the requirements set forth in § 289-5. Any approved license shall be issued on the first day of July in each year or thereafter whenever applied for and shall continue in force from the date of issuance until the succeeding 30th day of June.
Any person desiring a license under this chapter shall file with the Village Clerk a complete written application on a form provided by the Village Clerk. Every license shall be signed by the Village Clerk and shall name the licensee and the place wherein he or she is authorized to conduct such business, and the same shall not be delivered until the applicant shall produce and file with the Clerk a receipt showing the payment of a license fee. The license fee will be established by the Village Board in the Village's fee schedule.[1]
Editor's Note: The current fee resolution is on file in the office of the Village Clerk.
Any person who violates any provision or any rule or regulation of this article shall be subject to a penalty as provided in Chapter 1, General Provisions, § 1-19 of this Code.
No license shall be issued under this chapter unless the applicant meets the following requirements:
Subject to Wis. Stats. ss. 111.321, 111.322, and 111.335, the applicant has not habitually been a law offender or been convicted of a felony unless pardoned. If the applicant is an entity, this requirement applies to all partners of a partnership, all members of a limited-liability company, all agents of a limited-liability company or corporation, and all officers of a corporation.
The applicant has submitted proof that the applicant holds a valid seller's permit as required under Wis. Stats. s. 77.61(11).