No person shall disturb, tend to disturb or aid in disturbing the peace of others by violent, tumultuous, offensive or obstreperous conduct, and no person shall knowingly permit such conduct upon any premises owned or possessed by him or her or under his or her control.
No person shall use vulgar, profane or indecent language on any public street or other public place or in any public dance hall, dance club, skating rink or place of business open to public patronage.
No person shall willfully fail to obey a reasonable and lawful order of a Princess Anne police officer, in which case is made to prevent a disturbance of the public peace.
[Added 1-26-2009 by Ord. No. 2009-04]
[Added 1-26-2009 by Ord. No. 2009-04]
No person shall keep a disorderly house which causes a disturbance to the public peace.
No person shall be found wandering abroad and begging or be found going about from door to door of private homes or commercial and business establishments or be found placing himself or herself in or upon any public way or public place to beg or receive alms.
No person shall wander about the streets, alleys or other public ways or places or be found abroad at late or unusual hours in the night without any visible or lawful business and not giving a satisfactory account of himself or herself.
No person shall be found loitering or strolling in, about or upon any street, alley or other public way or public place or at any public gathering or assembly or in or around any store, shop or business or commercial establishment or on any private property or place without lawful business and conducting himself or herself in a lewd, wanton or lascivious manner in speech or behavior.
No person shall remain on any property or be found to occupy any property that is posted against loitering, without the permission of the owner or agent of the property, and that is not conducting any further business with said property.
[Added 1-26-2009 by Ord. No. 2009-04]
[Added 1-26-2009 by Ord. No. 2009-04]
For the purpose of this section, any assembly of five or more persons which shall, directly or indirectly, result in disturbance of the public peace by the persons so assembled or by others, within the Town of Princess Anne, shall be considered an unlawful assembly.
Prohibited acts.
No person or persons shall join together with any other person or persons comprising an aggregate group of five or more, with the intent mutually to assist one another in the execution of a common purpose by the use of force or other unlawful means, nor shall any person or persons attempt or threaten such use of force, but without actually putting his or her unlawful design into execution, upon any public street, way, avenue, alley or parking lot within the Town limits of Princess Anne.
No person shall obstruct, molest or interfere with any person lawfully upon any street, park or other public place.
No person shall refuse to move from any street, park or other public place when so requested by a police officer exercising his or her discretion under the circumstances to preserve or promote public peace and order.
No person shall disquiet or disturb any congregation or assembly for religious worship by making a noise or by rude or indecent behavior or profane discourse within their place of worship or so near the same as to disturb the order or solemnity of the meeting.[1]
Editor's Note: Original Section 7-206, Alcoholic Beverages, which immediately followed this section, was deleted 3-6-2000 by Ord. No. 2000-3.
No person shall throw or permit to be deposited or scattered upon any sidewalk, alley, street, bridge or public passageway or upon any private property any waste or other material of any kind.
No person shall publicly expose his or her person or make any indecent gestures.
[Added 1-26-2009 by Ord. No. 2009-04]
It shall be unlawful for any person to urinate or defecate on, from, or upon any public way, public street, public alley, public sidewalk, public lot, public building and any other public property, except within proper facilities designated as public restrooms, within the Town limits of Princess Anne.
No person shall possess any nippers known as "burglar's nippers," any pick lock, skeleton key, key to be used with a bit or bits, jimmy or any other implement that is usually employed or that reasonably may be inferred to have been designed to be employed in the commission of any felony, misdemeanor or any other crime unless it is shown that such possession is innocent or for lawful purposes.
A violation of this article shall be declared a misdemeanor, and any person or persons, firm, association or corporation violating this article shall, upon conviction thereof, be subject to a penalty as provided in Chapter 1, General Provisions, § 1-5 of this Code.