New Laws
Adopted legislation that has not yet been incorporated into the Code can be found below. Once a new law has been codified, it will no longer appear in this section.
Title Adopted Subject Affects
General Provisions Amendment; Agencies Amendment; Boards, Commissions, Councils, Committees and Authorities Amendment; Elective Offices Amendment; Funds Amendment; Officers and Employees Amendment; Personnel Amendment; School Committee Amendment; Airport Amendment; Alarm Systems Amendment; Alcoholic Beverages Amendment; Animals Amendment; Boating and Waterways Amendment; Building Construction Amendment; Child Safety Zones Amendment; Cross-Connection Control Amendment; Firearms and Weapons Amendment; Fire Prevention Amendment; Historic Buildings and Districts Amendment; Licenses and Business Regulations Amendment; Noise Amendment; Nuisances Amendment; Parks, Recreation Areas and Public Property Amendment; Peace and Good Order Amendment; Sewers Amendment; Shellfish Amendment; Skateboards and Scooters Amendment; Solid Waste Amendment; Stormwater Management Amendment; Streets and Sidewalks Amendment; Trees Amendment; Vehicles for Hire Amendment; Water Amendment; Wetlands Protection Amendment
Boards, Commissions, Councils, Committees and Authorities Amendment