Notes and custom links that have been added to the Code are listed below.

No notes have been added to this Code.

City of South Milwaukee, WI
The Code
Ch 2 The Common Council
§ 2.12 Rule 12. Committees.
Ch 4 Boards and Commissions
§ 4.14 (Reserved)
Ch 15 Zoning Code
§ 15.35 Moratorium on new applications for adult entertainment establishments.
Ch 16 Building Code
§ 16.27 When a use or occupancy shall be discontinued and a building or portion thereof vacated.
Ch 19 Liquor and Beverage Regulations
Ch 21 Property Maintenance Code
Ch 23 Public Peace and Safety
§ 23.11 Limiting the number of dogs and cats.
Ch 24 Public Policy, Welfare and Morals
Ch 28 Traffic Code
§ 28.01 State traffic laws adopted.
§ 28.04 Parking limited in specified places.