There shall be a Department of Finance, the head of which shall be the Chief Financial Officer, who shall have the following powers and duties in addition to these prescribed by P.L 1938, c. 110:
To disburse all payments of the municipal treasury.
To have the safekeeping and custody of all municipal securities, investments and bonds of the municipality.
To supervise proceedings for the issuance of municipal bonds.
To invest and reinvest surplus or idle funds of the municipality.
To maintain and reconcile the records of the municipal bank accounts and provide the Business Administrator with a monthly reconciliation of the bank accounts not later than the 10th day of each month.
To serve as certifying agent for the New Jersey Public Employees Retirement System with respect to municipal employees.
To administer all matters relating to the certification of municipal payrolls by the State Department of Civil Service and the status, rights and benefits of employees of the municipality under the Civil Service Law and under the employee benefit and welfare programs of the municipality.
To act as the municipal safety officer and Chairman of the Safety Committee for the municipal employees.
To promptly pay interest and principal on municipal obligations as they fall due.