Authorization of indemnification. Pursuant and subject to N.J.S.A. 59:10-4, the Township of Florence does hereby authorize the indemnification of its employees, appointees and officials in accordance with the indemnification provisions applicable by law to state employees.
Exceptions and limitations. There shall be no indemnification pursuant to this section if it is established that the public employee, appointee and/or official acted or failed to act because of actual fraud, actual malice, willful misconduct or damages resulting from the commission of a crime. The Township Council may, but shall not be required to, indemnify a public employee, appointee of official for an award of punitive or exemplary damages resulting from a civil violation of state or federal law where the Township Council determines, in its sole and exclusive discretion, that the acts committed upon which the damages are based did not constitute actual fraud, actual malice, willful misconduct or an intentional wrong.