[Added 3-1-2000 by Ord. No. 2000-3]
Through streets. The following streets or parts of streets are hereby designated as through streets. Stop signs shall be installed on the near right side of each street intersecting the through street except where yield signs are provided for in the designation.
Name of Street
Maple Avenue
Entire length, between the municipal jurisdiction intersects
Stop intersections. The following described intersections are hereby designated as stop intersections. Stop signs shall be installed as provided therein.
Stop Sign(s) On
Sullivan Court and Chanti Lane
Chanti Lane
The speed limit for both directions of travel on the following roadways are:
Name of Street
Speed limit
Chanti Lane
Entire length
Maple Avenue
Entire length
Sullivan Court
Entire length
Regulatory and warning signs shall be erected and maintained to effect the above designated speed limits authorized by the Department of Transportation.
Any vehicle parked or standing as to obstruct or impede a normal flow of traffic, block entrances or exitways, loading zones, oil fills, any grassy area, pedestrian walkway or presenting, in any way, a safety or traffic hazard may be removed by towing the vehicle at the owner's expense.
All signs, posts or other necessary materials shall be installed and paid for by the applicant. All signing shall conform to the current Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 39:4-198 and N.J.S.A. 39:4-183.27.
Unless another penalty is expressly provided by New Jersey Statute, every person convicted of a violation of this article or any supplement thereto shall be liable to a penalty of not more than $75 or imprisonment for a term not exceeding 15 days, or both.