[Adopted 6-13-1996 by Ord. No. 96-1]
The food handler's card required by this article shall not be issued or granted to any person unless and until that person shall have first completed a course of instruction and passed a written examination in food protection, sanitation, personal hygiene, bacteria and food poisoning dishwashing procedures and other related food handler requirements. The course of instruction shall be under the supervision and direction of the Fort Lee Health Department and shall be given monthly except that it may be rescheduled at the discretion of the Health Officer or his designee because of poor attendance by the participants.
No person shall engage in or be employed in the business of preparing, handling or processing food intended for human consumption for a period in excess of 30 days without making written application to the Health Department for the food handler's card and also fully complying with all the requirements as prescribed in this section of the Code. This includes managers, owners and other personnel who supervise the persons who prepare, handle or process food.
It shall be the responsibility of the employer to see that his employees obtain valid food handler cards.
Food handler card requirements shall not apply to persons who only handle and sell prepackaged, non-potentially hazardous, commercially prepared food for retail sale.
A food handler's card is not transferable. No person to whom a food handler's card is issued or granted shall give, loan, transfer or permit the same to be used by any other person for any purpose whatsoever.
The fee for the food handler's card is hereby fixed at $10 for employees of food establishments within the Borough.
The fee is hereby fixed at $12 for employees of food establishments outside the Borough.
The fee for the issuance of a duplicate food handler card shall be $5 per card.
Upon the expiration of the food handler's card two years from the date of issuance, that person shall be required to take another course of instruction and examination. Upon satisfactory completion of the course, the food handler shall pay the fees specified in this section before a new card is granted.
For good cause shown and on five days' written notice to any person holding a food handler's card, the Board of Health may suspend or revoke any food handler's card issued or granted pursuant to this article. Good cause shall include:
The violation of any of the provisions of this Code or Chapter 12 of the New Jersey State Sanitary Code.
A knowing misrepresentation of the material fact on the application form. At the written request of the holder of a food handler card, the Board of Health shall hold a hearing to be determined whether good cause exists for the revocation of such card.
All employers shall at all times keep and maintain accurate records of the name and address of each employee, date of employment, date of issuance of said food handler card and the number thereof, which records shall be available at all times for inspection by the Board or any of its authorized agents or representatives.
Any person violating any of the provisions of this article shall, upon conviction thereof, pay a penalty of not less than $50 nor more than $1,000 or imprisonment for a maximum term of 90 days, or both, for each offense. Complaints shall be made in the Municipal Court in the Borough of Fort Lee or such other court as shall be of competent jurisdiction.