[Amended 5-9-1996 by Ord. No. 96-09]
The owner or tenant of lands abutting upon the public highways, streets and avenues of the Borough shall remove or cause to be removed from the abutting sidewalks and from the other areas specified below:
All snow and ice shall be removed or caused to be removed from the sidewalk in front of or bordering on such lands and from a pathway, not less than two feet in width, from such sidewalk to the public street within 24 hours of sunrise after the snow or ice shall fall or be formed thereon;
All snow and ice shall be removed for a distance of not less than two feet around any fire hydrant in front of or bordering on such lands, and from a path not less than two feet in width from such hydrant to the public street within 24 hours of sunrise after the snow or ice shall fall or be formed; and
All grass, weeds, hedges, bushes, low-hanging branches or other impediments shall be removed from any sidewalk in front of or bordering on such lands within three days after written notice from the municipality or its Police Department to remove same.
If the owner or tenant of lands abutting upon the public highways, streets and avenues of the Borough shall neglect or refuse to remove all snow and ice or all grass, weeds, hedges, bushes, low-hanging branches or other impediments, as required by § 146-22, such snow, ice, grass, weeds, hedges, bushes, low-hanging branches, and other impediments may be removed by the Department of Public Works. After such removal, the director of such Department shall certify the cost thereof to the governing body. Upon receipt of the certificate, the governing body shall examine same, and if found correct, shall cause such cost to be charged against the lands abutting aforesaid. The amount charged shall thereupon become a lien upon such lands and shall be added to and become part of the taxes next to be levied and assessed upon such lands. Said amount to bear interest at the same rate and shall be collected and enforced by the same officers and in the same manner as taxes.
In addition to the payment set forth above the owner or tenants shall also be liable for penalties provided for in § 146-21 of this chapter.
Any complaint for the violation of this article shall be the responsibility of the Garwood Police Department which shall issue a summons for violations based upon their personal observation thereof or upon information provided by the Superintendent of Public Works.
All streets hereafter accepted by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Garwood shall be not less than 50 feet in width and shall be graded as prescribed by the Mayor and Council.[1]
Editor's Note: See Ch. 106, Land Use.