[Adopted 5-20-1980 ATM, Art. 40, as Secs. 2-4-1 and 2-4-2 of the 1980 Bylaws]
Editor's Note: See Division 2 of the Code for Board of Health Regulations.
[Amended 5-12-1987 ATM, Art. 36]
A Board of Health of five members shall be elected from the Town at large for three-year overlapping terms of office, and to accomplish said change in the Board, at the annual election in 1988, the Town shall elect two members each for three-year terms and one member for a two-year term.
[Amended 6-18-1991 STM, Art. 4]
The Board shall maintain a Saturday and Sunday schedule as part of a three-day weekly schedule at the sanitary landfill for recycling operations.