[Adopted 5-20-1980 ATM, Art. 40, as Secs. 3-8-1 through 3-8-4 of the 1980 Bylaws]
[Amended 9-12-2020 ATM by Art. 19]
A Council on Aging of seven members shall be appointed by the Select Board for four-year overlapping terms of office. The terms of no more than three members shall expire in any calendar year. Members shall be eligible for reappointment for concurrent terms.
The duties of the Council shall be to:
Identify the total needs of the Town's elderly population.
Educate the community and enlist support and participation of all citizens concerning such needs.
Design, promote or implement services to fill such needs, and coordinate present services in the Town.
Promote and support any other programs designed to assist elderly persons in the Town.
The Council shall cooperate with the state Office of Elder Affairs and shall be cognizant of all state and federal legislation concerning funding, information exchange and program planning which exists for better community programming for the elderly.
[Amended 9-12-2020 ATM by Art. 19]
The Council shall furnish the Select Board with an annual report and provide a copy thereof to the state Office of Elder Affairs.