[Adopted 10-28-1998 STM, Art. 23]
[Amended 9-12-2020 ATM by Art. 19]
A Computer Management Committee consisting of five members shall be established. Members shall be appointed by the Select Board Members for terms of three years, except that initially the terms of appointment shall be determined by the Select Board Members, so that one member so appointed shall initially have a one-year appointment, two members so appointed shall have two-year appointments, and two members so appointed shall initially have three-year appointments.
[Amended 9-12-2020 ATM by Art. 19]
The Computer Management Committee reporting to the Select Board is charged as follows:
Computer-related requests.
All computer-related requests for special warrant articles or any computer-related purchases shall be submitted first to the Computer Management Committee for review and consultation with the requesting committee, board or department. The request shall be submitted in a timely manner so as to allow adequate time for review and discussion between the requester and the Computer Management Committee.
The Select Board shall require that the requesting board, committee or department and Computer Management Committee work in good faith to agree as to the configuration and specifications prior to purchase of said items. The Computer Management Committee's recommendation for or against the board's, committee's or department's purchase must be reported in the warrant article or purchase request.
The committee will request an annual budget to be used in part to cover the cost of Town-wide service and training as may be necessary.
The Committee will report its activities to the Town and Select Board yearly, or as requested by the Select Board.
The Computer Management Committee shall schedule, post and conduct meetings in accordance with the Massachusetts General Laws.