The Borough Council of the Borough of Haledon does herein decide and
find that the uncontrolled removal and taking of water from the Municipal
Spring located at Tilt Street and Southside Avenue has resulted in creating
increased cost and has caused deterioration in the service to citizens of
the said Borough, and does hereby cause the passage of this article to regulate
and control the indiscriminate and excessive use of said spring.
No person shall draw water from the said spring in excess of four gallons
at any one visit to said spring.
No person shall draw water from the said spring except those persons
who have been issued a key to said spring by the appropriate Borough official.
No person shall register or furnish a false name or address to the Borough
to obtain a key, or use a key issued to a Borough resident to draw water from
said spring.
No person shall draw water from said spring by using any key or device
other than those keys issued by the Borough of Haledon.
Any person violating §
397-14 of this article shall, upon conviction thereof, be subject to a fine not to exceed $10 per gallon or any part thereof of that amount of water in excess of four gallons for each offense. Any person violating §
397-16 or
397-17 of this article shall, upon conviction thereof, be subject to a fine of not less than $25 nor more than $250 for each offense. Violations of §
397-16 or
397-17 shall constitute separate offenses under this article.