A Department is hereby established in and for the Township of Hardyston to be known as the "Hardyston Township Recreation Department."
The Department shall consist of a Director and such other persons as may hereafter be employed by the Township to render such services as may be determined hereafter by the Township Council by resolution.
The Director shall be appointed by the Township Manager and shall be paid such salary as the Township may determine from time to time.
An advisory committee may be appointed by the Township Council annually to observe and investigate the operation of the Recreation Department and to make report to the Township Council from time to time as may be advisable.
Said advisory committee may, by resolution of the Hardyston Township Council and by agreement with the Franklin Borough Council, be merged with the Franklin Borough Recreation Committee.
The committee shall be composed of a minimum of one person from each voting district within the Township. Membership greater than the minimum required shall be at the discretion of the Township Council.
The objectives of the Department shall be to:
Make recreational facilities and activities available to fill the needs of all age groups in Hardyston Township.
To assist the residents in formation of various recreational activities desired.
To coordinate all of the recreational activities.
To cooperate with the Township Board of Education for any needed facilities or activities for the schoolchildren of the Township, or for the use of the Township facilities by the Board of Education or for the use of the Board of Education facilities by Township clubs.
To maintain communication with various service clubs, church and fraternal organizations and all other clubs within the Township in an effort to foster good public relations among the various elements in the Township with respect to proper recreational facilities and activities.
To submit a proposed budget on the financial needs of the department annually, not later than December 15 of each year, for the ensuing annual Township budget.
To suggest rules or standards for the regulation of various recreational activities and facilities, or either, within the Township from time to time.
To make such regulations concerning the recreational activities and facilities within the Township as the committee may from time to time deem appropriate.