The first member named to a committee, board, or commission is its chairman pro tem, and it is his duty to call together the committee, board, or commission and preside at meetings until the committee, board, or commission, by a majority of its number, elects a chairman, which it shall do unless the appointing authority has appointed a chairman.
The committee, board, or commission, by a majority of its number, shall elect a secretary and other officers as it deems necessary.
The quorum of a committee, board, or commission, shall be the majority of its existing members, unless the committee consists of twenty (20) members or more, in which case the committee, board, or commission shall vote to adopt a number, which may be a smaller number.
The committee, board, or commission will vote to adopt a schedule of meeting dates, such dates to be filed with the Town Clerk for posting in the Town Hall by the elected secretary.
If the chairman is absent or, for any cause, fails or declines to call a meeting, the committee shall meet on the call of any two (2) of its members.
The committee, board, or commission is able to act only if a quorum is present.
If any member of the committee, board, or commission, by consistent absenteeism, interferes with the conduct of business, it shall be the duty of the chairman to notify the appointing authority.
The precedence of motions as set forth in Chapter 172, Town Meeting, § 172-10 of these by-laws shall govern.
Issuing of reports, procedures for the conduct of business, and all other rules not specifically mentioned in these by-laws shall be done in the manner described in Robert's Rules of Order.