[HISTORY: Adopted by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Totowa as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Uniform construction codes — See Ch. 153.
Streets and sidewalks — See Ch. 361.
Zoning and land use — See Ch. 415.
[Adopted 3-4-1907 by Ord. No. 26 (Ch. 90, Art. I, of the 1974 Code)]
The now-existing streets, avenues and roads lying in and running through the Borough and all streets, avenues and roads hereafter opened and laid out in said Borough shall bear and hereafter be known and designated by the names by which they are known and designated on the Assessor's Map of the Borough.
[Amended 11-12-1974 by Ord. No. 1027]
All houses and other buildings on said streets, avenues and roads shall be properly numbered. On all streets, avenues and roads running in a north and south direction, the numbers shall run from south to north and the even numbers shall be on the east side of such street, avenue or road and the uneven numbers on the west side thereof. On all streets, avenues and roads running in an east and west direction, except Totowa Road, the numbers shall commence at the east end thereof, with the even numbers of the north side of such street, avenue or road and the uneven numbers on the south side thereof.
In numbering said houses and other buildings, there shall be allowed 25 feet frontage on each of said streets, avenues and roads for a number, except where the land fronting on any of said streets, avenues and roads has been or shall hereafter be laid out in building lots of less than 25 feet of frontage each. In all such cases a number shall be allowed for each 20 feet of frontage.
The Assessor's Map of the Borough shall be altered and amended so that the number of any house or building in said Borough may be ascertained therefrom.
The names of all streets shall be posted in a conspicuous place on corners of all streets, avenues and roads in the Borough.
[Amended 11-12-1974 by Ord. No. 1027]
The owner or occupant of every house or building in said Borough shall be notified in writing by the Assessor of the proper number of such house or building.
[Adopted 3-20-1973 by Ord. No. 1002 (Ch. 90, Art. II, of the 1974 Code)]
It shall be the duty of every owner of a building in the Borough of Totowa to cause to be displayed the street number of said building and at all times to maintain such number. The figure or figures comprising said number shall be plainly legible from the center of the street at all times between sunrise and sunset, and shall be located on or in front of the said building. The color of said numbers shall be in sharp contrast to the color of the background.