[HISTORY: Adopted by the Annual Town Meeting of the Town of Salisbury 5-19-1975 by Art. 51. Amendments noted where applicable.]
The storage of an excess of five boats by the owner, operator or lessee of the property upon which said boats are to be stored shall require a general license to be issued by the Board of Selectmen subject to the approval of the Building Inspector and the Fire Chief. The Building Inspector and the Fire Chief may require that certain standards must be complied with in the interest of public safety.
Failure to comply with the requirements of the license, or failure to obtain a license when required, shall constitute a violation of this bylaw. The Board of Selectman shall serve written notice of any violation on the license holder or person in violation. If the holder of said license or the person in violation fails to correct the violations within a forty-eight-hour period after receipt of written notice, a fine not exceeding $100 shall be imposed for each offense. Each succeeding twenty-four-hour period shall constitute a separate offense.