[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Wheatland 2-1-2001 by L.L. No. 1-2001. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Unsafe buildings and structures — See Ch. 58.
Building construction and fire prevention — See Ch. 54.
Property maintenance — See Ch. 103.
Subdivision of land — See Ch. 116.
This chapter is adopted pursuant to the authority granted the Town Board in § 10 of the Municipal Home Rule Law of the State of New York.
The purpose of this chapter is to address the health and safety concerns as well as to assist fire fighters and other emergency personnel to find the right building in the event of an emergency.
The street number portion of the street address assigned to any building in the Town of Wheatland shall be displayed for said building in accordance with the requirements herein. A certificate of occupancy, when one is required, will not be issued unless the street address has been installed in accordance with the requirements herein.
Format; size; placement.
The numbers for the street address shall be Arabic in format, with a minimum height of four inches, and mounted in a secure fashion to:
A building's front wall; or
A building's front porch; or
A post in the front yard of the lot.
The street address shall be displayed near the main entrance or near the travelway leading to the main entrance of the building or lot.
All street addresses shall be mounted at a height between four feet and 10 feet above the adjacent grade, street or exterior porch landing. They shall be legible as to contrasting background, arrangement, spacing, size and uniformity of the whole so that the numbers may be read with ease during daylight hours, as viewed from the center line of the facing street and at an elevation of five feet above the finished surface thereof. Trees, shrubs and other obstructions shall not block said street numbers.
Cluster developments such as townhouse or apartment buildings shall have building addresses or a range of addresses clearly visible at each access point, mounted between six and 10 feet above adjacent grade, and numbers a minimum of four inches on contrasting background. Likewise, building numbers, where applicable, shall be mounted so as to be visible when entering individual clusters or rows of buildings.
Builders or developers of new structures shall post a temporary sign on the site conforming to this chapter displaying the assigned street address and lot number, if applicable.
The absence of house numbers, or the insecure fastening or absence of any whole numbers thereof, or the use of any numbers out of logical sequence for the street toward which it faces, or the failure of a number to meet the elevation requirements shall be considered a violation of this chapter.
Final authority for determining and assigning the number or numbers to be used upon any particular premises is vested in the Assessor.
In case the owner of property does not place said number and/or remove all other numbers within 30 days after service of notice to do so, the Building Inspector is hereby directed to issue an appearance ticket for the Wheatland Town Court.
Any person, firm or corporation committing an offense against any provision of this chapter shall be punishable as provided by the general penalty provisions of the Town of Wheatland.[1]
Editor's Note: See Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I, General Penalty.
In addition to the penalty provisions, the Building Inspector will request that an administrative fee be paid in an amount as set forth on the Town Fee Schedule[2] in order that the Building Inspector may place said numbers and/or remove all other numbers at the owner's premises.
[Amended 2-1-2007 by L.L. No. 1-2007]
Editor's Note: The Fee Schedule is on file in the Town offices.