[Adopted 1-9-2001]
All persons carrying out the removal, containment or encapsulation of any form of asbestos within the Town of Lexington, including asbestos fiber, vinyl asbestos tile, asbestos insulation, asbestos shingles or other materials or waste products in which the mineral asbestos is present, will conform to the practices and requirements set down in 453 CMR 6.00, The Removal, Containment or Encapsulation of Asbestos. This regulation establishes the licensing, training and work practice requirements for asbestos contractors and other entities engaged in asbestos-related work.
All asbestos waste material, or original material containing asbestos, including but not limited to vinyl asbestos tile and asbestos shingles, will be removed in such a manner as to prevent release of asbestos into the environment and will be removed and disposed of in a landfill approved for asbestos materials.
The Board of Health or its agent, acting under the authority of MGL c. 31C, may order the implementation of measures to prevent contamination of the environment from asbestos released in the process of removal or disposal or may issue a cease-work order until conditions on the work site are corrected.
Removal, containment or encapsulation of asbestos-containing materials by individuals not licensed by the State of Massachusetts will be limited to the removal of asbestos vinyl tile and of asbestos shingles. The removal or other treatment of all other asbestos-containing material by an unauthorized person or persons not licensed by the state for carrying out asbestos removal is prohibited.
Failure to adhere to these regulations will result in a fine of $100 for the first offense, $200 for the second offense and $300 for every offense thereafter.
The Board of Health reserves the right to terminate any asbestos removal operation in the Town of Lexington that, in its estimation, fails to observe the requirements of the state code regarding asbestos removal or which otherwise threatens the well-being and safety of the public.
Failure to comply with the provisions of these regulations or to comply with an order to correct will result in fines for each day a violation occurs, according to Lexington Health Regulations and Lexington Town Bylaws.