[Adopted 4-6-1964 by the Select Board; amended 6-5-1978]
The following regulations, until further notice, shall be considered a part of the contract with every person who uses water.
The word "street" as used in these regulations shall mean a public way or a private way legally open or dedicated to public use or approved by the Planning Board.
The application for the use of water must be made at the office of the Department of Public Works.
The Director of Public Works will make the final determination in questions arising over the size of services and meters.
The Town or its agents will, except as provided herein, furnish and lay the service pipe from the street main to the property line and shall provide on the service a curb cock or gate valve. The Town will not in any case lay any service pipe on private property.
The owner of the premises shall in all cases pay for such service pipe as may be laid by the Town or its agents from the main to the property line at such rates as may be fixed by the Select Board.
[Amended 3-27-2019 ATM by Art. 34]
Where the service pipe has not been previously installed from the main to the property line, the owner must in all cases pay his part of the estimated cost of such service construction before the work is started. When the work is completed and the cost determined, the applicant shall pay for any excess cost of the work above the estimated cost, or if the actual cost is less than the estimated cost, the difference will be refunded to the applicant.
Where the service pipe has been previously installed to the property line by the Town or its agents and the cost already determined, the owner will pay said charge prior to receiving permission to connect to the Town system.
In subdivisions which are governed by the Subdivision Control Law, the subdivider shall furnish and lay the service pipe, at his own expense, from the street main to the property line and shall provide on the service a curb cock or gate valve.
The Town shall be responsible for the repair of the part of the service pipe which is within the limits of the street.
The owner of the premises shall in all cases furnish and install the service pipe on his property at his own expense and shall provide on the end thereof a valve which conforms to Town specifications. All water service pipe, fittings and appurtenances installed on private property shall conform to the then-current standard specifications of the Lexington Public Works Department, and the installation shall be subject to inspection by an authorized representative of the Department. The Town will not in any case lay any service pipe on private property.
The owner of the premises shall in all cases be responsible for the repair of the service pipe on his property between the building and the property line. If this regulation is not complied with, the water will be shut off. The Town may, at the request of the owner, repair or renew a service pipe on private property at the expense of the owner.
The Town will furnish and install all meters one inch or less at no charge to the owner. All meters 1 1/2 inches and over will be furnished and installed by the owner. If this regulation is not complied with, the water will be shut off. All meters one inch in size or less will be kept in repair by the Town and no charge made therefor, except in case of freezing or negligence by the water user. All meters over one inch shall be kept in repair by the owner. If a two-inch water service or a one-and-one-half-inch water service is installed, there must be a two-inch meter or a one-and-one-half-inch meter installed on this service. All meters will be manufactured by the Neptune Meter Company.
All meters shall be computed semiannually, except in special cases as determined by the Select Board. In the case of a meter stopping or failing to register, the quantity of water used shall be estimated as the amount which ordinarily passes through the meter when in operation.
[Amended 3-27-2019 ATM by Art. 34]
The Director of Public Works will make the final determination in questions arising over the type and size of meters.
Water bills shall be paid at the office of the Tax Collector semiannually. The owner of the property is responsible for payment of water bills. In all cases of nonpayment of water bills within 30 days from the date of the bill, as well as any violation of these rules and regulations, the supply of water may be shut off, and the water will not be turned on again except upon payment of the amount due, together with the sum of $3 for turning it off and on.
For either shutting off or turning on water, at the request of the owner, a charge of $1.50 will be made.
No abatement of the water rates for the nonuse of water in vacant premises will be made unless notification of such vacancy is made at the office of the Public Works Department. No abatement for the nonuse of water shall be made unless the property is vacant for an entire six-month billing period.
The Town shall not be liable for lack of water or damages caused as a result of the interruption of the water supply for any reason whatever, such as the opening of fire hydrants or a break in a main or by shutting off the water in a main to make extensions, connections or repairs, or for any other reason found necessary.
[Amended 3-27-2019 ATM by Art. 34]
The apparatus and places supplied with water must be accessible at all times to the inspection of the Select Board or its authorized representative to examine the pipes and fixtures and ascertain the quantity of water used and the manner of its use.
[Amended 3-27-2019 ATM by Art. 34]
No person shall open any hydrant of the water works system of the Town without written permission previously obtained from the Select Board or its authorized representative; provided, however, that nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit the use of hydrants and water by the Fire Department.
All proposed new and replacement water supply systems to be located in the Floodplain District established under the Zoning Bylaw shall be designed to minimize or eliminate infiltration of floodwaters into the systems.
Refer to Town of Lexington, Massachusetts, Engineering Department General Specifications, 1980.