[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Cobleskill 12-17-1984 as L.L. No. 9-1984. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Building construction and fire prevention — See Ch. 58.
There are now, or may in the future be, in the Village of Cobleskill, New York, unsafe buildings which constitute a menace to the safety, health and general welfare of the inhabitants of the village or constitute a fire hazard or which are now or may be public nuisances, and this chapter is enacted in order to protect the safety, health and general welfare of the residents of the Village of Cobleskill.
It shall be the duty of the Codes Enforcement Officer of the Village of Cobleskill to carry out the obligations and duties set forth in this chapter.
No person, firm, corporation or association that is the owner of a building in the Village of Cobleskill shall cause, suffer, allow or permit said building to become dangerous or unsafe to the public. It shall be the duty and responsibility of the owner of any building in the Village of Cobleskill to take all steps necessary to prevent the building from becoming dangerous and unsafe to the public from any cause whatsoever. If a building does become dangerous, the owner shall repair or remove said building.
If any building becomes dangerous or unsafe to the public and the owner fails to remove or repair said building, the Codes Enforcement Officer shall make a complete inspection of the building and report the condition, in writing, to the Board of Trustees. Upon receipt of such report, the Board of Trustees shall serve a notice on the owner ordering the repair or removal of said building.
Said notice shall be served upon the owner of the building or his agent, either personally or by certified mail, addressed to the last known address of the owner or the owner's agent as shown by records of the Village Clerk or the Schoharie County Treasurer. Said notice shall contain a description of the premises, a statement of the particulars in which the building or structure is unsafe or dangerous and an order by said Board of Trustees requiring the building to be made safe and secure or removed. If service of said notice is made by certified mail, then a copy of the notice shall also be posted on the premises. The notice shall also contain and set forth a time in which the person so served shall commence and complete the securing or removal of the building or structure, which time shall be at least ten (10) days from date of personal service of the notice or at least fifteen (15) days from the date of mailing and posting of said notice. The notice shall also state that in the event of neglect or refusal of the person so served with the notice to comply with it, a survey of the premises shall be made by an engineer or architect to be named by the Board of Trustees and an inspector, builder, engineer or architect appointed by the person notified. In the event of the refusal or neglect of the person so notified to appoint such inspector, builder, engineer or architect, the person named by the Board of Trustees shall make the survey and report. The notice shall further state that in the event that the building or structure is reported dangerous or unsafe under such survey, an application shall be made at a Special Term of the Supreme Court, Schoharie County, for an order declaring the building or structure to be a public nuisance and directing that it shall be repaired to secured or taken down and removed.
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code; see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I
It shall be the duty of such surveyors to report, in writing, to the Board of Trustees of said village within fifteen (15) days of their appointment to inspect and survey said premises. No later than five (5) days after filing their report the village shall cause a signed copy of the report to be posted on the premises.
All costs and expenses incurred by the Village of Cobleskill, New York, in connection with any of the proceedings above mentioned, including inspection, survey, report and court proceedings for removal of such building or structure, including the cost of actually repairing and removing such building or structure, shall be assessed against the land on which said buildings or structures are located and shall be collectible as any other tax or assessment thereon, including an action at law or tax sale and foreclosure.
Nothing in the chapter shall be construed to in any way limit, prohibit or prevent the exercise of any emergency power now possessed or hereafter to be possessed under law by the Mayor or other official of said village for the prompt removal of nuisances and hazards in case of emergency.