The preservation and improvement of the quality
of the natural and man-made environment within the City of Oneonta,
New York, in the face of population growth, urbanization and technologic
change, with their accompanying demands on natural resources, are
found to be of increasing and vital importance to the health, welfare
and economic well-being of present and future inhabitants and require
forthright action by the governing body of the City of Oneonta, New
York. It is recognized that the biologic integrity of the natural
environment on which man is dependent for survival and the natural
and functional beauty of our surroundings which condition the quality
of our life experience cannot be protected without the full cooperation
and participation of all the people of the city working in partnership
with local and state officials and with various public and private
institutions, agencies and organizations. Establishment of an Environmental
Board is a necessary step in fostering unified action on environmental
The Common Council of the City of Oneonta, New
York, hereby creates a board which shall be known as the "Oneonta
Environmental Board" for conservation of the environment, hereinafter
called the "Board."
The Board, at the first meeting of each calendar year, shall elect one of its members to act as its Chairman. The Board shall adopt rules and procedures for its meetings. It shall keep accurate records of its meetings and activities and shall file an annual report as provided in §
17-6 of this chapter. If at any time the Board is operating under a schedule for meetings less frequently than monthly, a meeting may be called at the request of the Mayor, the Common Council, the Chairman or a majority of the Board members by notification to the City Clerk of the time and date of such meeting. The City Clerk shall then schedule the meetings and notify all required parties.
[Amended 3-17-2015 by Ord. No. 2-2015]
The powers and duties of the Board shall be to:
A. Advise the Common Council on matters affecting the preservation,
development and use of the natural and built features of the City,
insofar as they have a bearing on environmental quality.
B. Raise public awareness concerning the importance of a healthy environment,
collect and disseminate public comment on environmental issues and
encourage public support of environmentally sound policies and actions.
C. Improve the coordination and effectiveness of programs undertaken
by the public and private agencies to preserve and enhance the environment.
D. Evaluate activities, projects and operations that may affect the
environment to determine where major threats to environmental quality
exist and recommend, when appropriate, policies and remedial actions.
E. Advocate for a responsible balance between sustainable economic growth
and prudent environmental stewardship by maintaining a dialog with
appropriate City commissions/boards.
F. Carry out such other duties as may be assigned from time to time
by the Common Council.
The Board shall submit an annual report to the
Common Council, not later than the first day of March of each year,
concerning the activities and work of the Board and from time to time
shall submit such reports and recommendations as may be necessary
to fulfill the purposes of this chapter.
The members of the Board, including ex officio
members, shall receive no compensation for their services as members
thereof but may be reimbursed for reasonable and necessary expenses
incurred in the performance of their duties within the appropriations
made available therefor.
This chapter shall be deemed an exercise of
the powers of the City of Oneonta, New York, to preserve and improve
the quality of the natural and man-made environment on behalf of the
present and future inhabitants thereof. This chapter is not intended
and shall not be deemed to impair the powers of any other public corporation.