In addition to serving the purposes of Article I, the R-5 District is intended to:
Encourage new development and "infill" construction that is consistent with surrounding older neighborhoods.
Extend the best features of older development into new development.
Meet the purposes for traditional neighborhood development that are stated in the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code.[1]
Editor's Note: See 53 P.S. § 10101 et seq.
Maintain a pedestrian-friendly streetscape, with minimal conflicts between vehicle driveways and sidewalks.
Preserve significant historic buildings.
[Amended 8-9-2012 by Ord. No. 2170, approved 8-9-2012]
In the R-5 District, the following uses shall be permitted by right:
Single-family detached dwelling.
Single-family semidetached dwelling.
Group home, within a dwelling type permitted by this district, subject to compliance with § 255-199A(18).
Community gardens, subject to compliance with § 255-199A(53).
[Added 7-11-2013 by Ord. No. 2182, approved 7-11-2013]
In the R-5 District, only the following accessory uses shall be permitted:
Single-family residential accessory uses, subject to compliance with § 255-200D(12).
Private swimming pools and private tennis courts, subject to compliance with § 255-199A(34).
Home occupations, subject to compliance with § 255-200D(5).
Community gardens, subject to compliance with § 255-199A(53).
[Added 7-11-2013 by Ord. No. 2182, approved 7-11-2013]
In the R-5 District, only the following uses are allowed by special exception. These uses shall need approval by the Zoning Hearing Board as provided in § 255-197.
Places of worship in compliance with § 255-199A(32), and which shall have a minimum lot area of 30,000 square feet.
Bed-and-breakfast use, within a building constructed prior to 1940, and provided the lot is adjacent to an arterial street. [See § 255-199A(9).]
The following uses shall be allowed to reuse a principal building that existed and included a minimum of 20,000 square feet of building floor area prior to the adoption of this zoning district:
Apartments, limited by deed and by lease to occupancy by persons age 55 and older and their spouses of any age.
Nursing home or personal care center.
Offices or outpatient or inpatient medical health care facility.
The following regulations shall apply within the R-5 District:
Lot area: 7,000 square feet minimum.
Building setback line: The minimum building front yard setback line shall be 20 feet. Up to 10 feet of this setback area may be occupied by an unenclosed front porch. The majority of the front wall of a principal building shall not be set back more than 40 feet from the street right-of-way line.
No accessory structures shall be located between the principal building and the street right-of-way.
No new or expanded vehicle parking shall be located between the curbline along the front of the lot and the front of the principal building. A minimum of 50% of the land area between the front street right-of-way and the front of the principal building shall be maintained in grass and other landscaping.
Any new principal single-family detached or single-family semidetached dwelling shall have an unenclosed front porch covered by a roof. The porch shall have a minimum floor area of 60 square feet. No front porch shall be enclosed.
Lot width at street right-of-way line and at minimum building setback line: 45 feet minimum.
Building coverage: 35% maximum.
Impervious coverage: 50% maximum for a single-family detached dwelling and 60% maximum for a single-family semidetached dwelling.
Rear yard: 30 feet minimum for principal buildings and five feet minimum for accessory buildings, except two feet minimum for a storage shed of less than 100 square feet floor area.
Side yard: For single-family detached dwellings, eight feet minimum for principal buildings and five feet minimum for accessory buildings, except two feet minimum for a storage shed of less than 100 square feet floor area. For single-family semidetached dwellings, eight feet minimum on one side, where only one side is required, for principal buildings, and five feet minimum for accessory buildings, except two feet minimum for a storage shed of less than 100 square feet floor area.
Maximum building height: 35 feet or 2.5 stories, whichever is more restrictive.
Minimum building length and width: 16 feet for any single-family dwelling.
Minimum floor area for a single-family dwelling: 1,000 square feet.
Avenue. Any new driveway shall enter the lot from an avenue, as opposed to entering the lot from a street. If an avenue does not exist, and the Zoning Officer determines that an alley cannot feasibly be extended, then a driveway may enter from the side of the lot at least 50 feet from the front lot line.
If an avenue does not exist and cannot feasibly be extended, and a driveway cannot be extended from a side of a lot, then a driveway may include a 10 feet wide driveway passing from the front of the lot through the side yard. After passing the first 50 feet of lot depth from the front lot line, such driveway may then widen to provide access to an attached or detached garage and/or parking spaces.
The following are examples of other provisions of this chapter that apply:
Off-street parking shall comply with Article XXV.
Uses shall comply with the additional requirements for specific uses in Article XXIV.
Multiple frontage lots (including a corner lot) shall comply with § 255-187.
As part of the construction of any new single-family detached dwelling, at least one new deciduous shade tree shall be required to be planted in the front street right-of-way or, subject to the approval of the Zoning Officer, the front yard. If approved by the Borough staff, such tree may be planted in the street right-of-way. If the tree is not planted in the right-of-way, it shall be planted in the front yard in a location that will provide shade over the sidewalk.