The scale and sheet size of sketch plans shall be as required for preliminary plans in § 170-18A(1) and (4). The sketch plan shall show or be accompanied by the following data, legible in every detail and drawn to scale, but not necessarily containing precise dimensions:
Name and address of the developer (if applicable) and landowner.
Name of the individual and/or the firm that prepared the plan.
Location map with sufficient information to enable the Borough Council to locate the property.
North arrow.
Written and graphic scales.
Existing tract boundaries accurately labeled with the name(s) of adjacent landowner(s) and adjacent plan(s) of record.
Name of the municipality in which the project is located, including the location of any municipal boundary line(s) if located within the vicinity of the tract.
Significant topographical and man-made features (e.g., bodies of water, quarries, floodplains, tree masses, structures).
Proposed street, parking, building, and lot layout.
Proposed land use; if several land uses are proposed, the location of each land use shall be indicated.
Statement explaining the methods of water supply and sewage disposal to be used.
Preliminary plans shall be prepared by a licensed professional engineer, a registered surveyor, or a registered landscape architect. The preliminary plan shall show, be accompanied by, or be prepared in accordance with the following and shall provide sufficient design information to demonstrate conformance with the requirements of Article VI of this chapter:
Drafting standards:
The plan shall be clearly and legibly drawn at a scale of one inch equal to 10 feet, 20 feet, 30 feet, 40 feet, 50 feet, 60 feet, or 100 feet.
Dimensions shall be in feet and decimals; bearings shall be in degrees, minutes and seconds. Lot line descriptions shall read in a clockwise direction.
The survey shall not have an error of closure greater than one foot in 10,000 feet.
The sheet size shall be no smaller than 18 inches by 22 inches and no larger than 24 inches by 36 inches. If the plan is prepared in two or more sections, a key map showing the location of the sections shall be placed on each sheet. If more than one sheet is necessary, each sheet shall be the same size and numbered to show the relationship to the total number of sheets in the plan (e.g., Sheet one of five).
Plans shall be legible in every detail.
Location and identification:
The proposed project name or identifying title.
The municipality in which the project is to be located (if the tract of land is located in the vicinity of a municipal boundary line, the location of the boundary shall be shown).
The name and address of the owner of the tract (or an authorized agent), the developer/subdivider, and the firm that prepared the plans.
The file or project number assigned by the firm that prepared the plan, the plan date, and the date(s) of all plan revisions.
A north arrow, a graphic scale, and a written scale.
The entire existing tract boundary with bearings and distances. (If a landowner is to retain a single lot with a lot area in excess of 10 acres, the boundary of that lot may be identified as a deed plotting and may be drawn at any legible scale; if the remaining lot has a lot area of 10 or less acres, it must be described to the accuracy requirements of this chapter.)
The total acreage of the entire existing tract.
The district and lot size and/or density requirements of the Borough Zoning Ordinance.[1]
Editor's Note: See Ch. 200, Zoning.
The location of existing lot line markers along the perimeter of the entire existing tract.
A location map, drawn to a scale of a minimum of one inch equal to 2,000 feet relating the subject tract to at least two intersections of road center lines. The approximate distance to the intersection of the center lines of the nearest improved street intersection shall be identified. All streets, roads, public utilities, and municipal boundaries in the vicinity of the site shall be identified.
A note indicating the types of sewer or water facilities to be provided.
Existing features:
Existing contours at a minimum vertical interval of two feet for land with average natural slope of 4% or less and at a maximum vertical interval of five feet for more steeply sloping land. Contours shall be accompanied by the location of the bench mark and notation indicating the datum used. Contours plotted from the United States Geodetic Survey will not be accepted.
Zoning district boundaries and required dimensional data as set forth in the Zoning Ordinance.[2]
Editor's Note: See Ch. 200, Zoning.
The names of all immediately adjacent landowners and the names and plan book record numbers of all previously recorded plans for adjacent projects.
The following items when located within 200 feet of the subject tract:
The location and name of existing rights-of-way and cartways for streets, access drives, driveways, and service streets.
The location of the following features and any related rights-of-way: sanitary sewer mains, water supply mains, fire hydrants, buildings, and stormwater management facilities.
The location of existing rights-of-way for electric, gas, and oil transmission lines, and railroads.
The size, capacity, and condition of the existing stormwater management system and any other facility that may be used to convey storm flows from the subject tract.
The following items when located within the subject tract:
The location, name, and dimensions of existing rights-of-way and cartways for streets, access drives, driveways, and service streets.
The location and size of the following features and related rights-of-way: sanitary sewer mains, water supply mains, fire hydrants, buildings, and stormwater management facilities.
The location of existing rights-of-way for electric, gas, and oil transmission lines, and railroads.
The size, capacity, and condition of the existing stormwater management system and any other facility that may be used to convey storm flows.
The following items when located within 200 feet of the subject tract or upon the site proposed for development: significant environmental or topographic features, including but not limited to floodplains, wetlands, quarry sites, solid waste disposal areas, historic features, cemetery or burial sites, archaeologic sites, highly erosive soils, or wooded areas. Additionally, the preliminary plan shall indicate any proposed disturbance, encroachment, or alteration to such features when located upon the site proposed for development.
Plan information:
The layout of streets, alleys, and sidewalks, including cartway and right-of-way widths.
The layout of lots, with approximate dimensions.
Block and lot numbers in consecutive order (e.g., Block "A," Lots one through 10; Block "B," Lots 11 through 22).
In the case of land developments, the location and configuration of proposed buildings, parking compounds, streets, access drives, driveways, and all other significant planned facilities.
Total number of lots, units of occupancy, density, and proposed land use; (if a multiple land use is proposed, an indication of the location of each land use).
Existing and proposed easements, including the specification of the dimensions and purposes of the easements.
Building setback lines, with distances from the street center line, the street right-of-way line, or the property lines, whichever requirement is applicable under the Borough Zoning Ordinance.[3]
Editor's Note: See Ch. 200, Zoning.
Identification of buildings and historic features proposed to be demolished.
Typical street cross section for each proposed street and typical cross section for any existing street that will be improved as part of the application. Each cross section shall include the entire right-of-way width.
Street center line profiles and access drive center line profiles for each proposed street and access drive shall be shown on the preliminary plan.
The preliminary design of the proposed sanitary sewer mains and water supply mains. The information shall include the approximate size, material, and vertical and horizontal location, when applicable.
The required stormwater management data designed in accordance with the Borough's Stormwater Management Ordinance.[4] The information may be provided on a sheet with other data or on separate sheets. In the case of any dispute in the methodology used in the design of any stormwater management plan and/or in the presentation of such information, the Borough Council shall make the final determination.
All calculations, assumptions, criteria, and references used in the design of the stormwater management facilities, the establishment of existing facilities capacities, and the pre and post development discharges.
All plans and profiles of the proposed stormwater management facilities, including the horizontal and vertical location, size, and type of material.
For all basins, a plotting or tabulation of the storage volumes and discharge curves with corresponding water surface elevations, inflow hydrography, and outflow hydrography.
The guidelines for lot grading within the subdivisions. This information shall identify the direction of stormwater runoff flow within each lot and the areas where stormwater runoff flows will be concentrated. This information shall be shown by flow arrows or topographical data.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 161, Stormwater Management.
A statement on the plan indicating that all zoning approvals and all zoning variances have been obtained from the Borough along with the date of the approval and the approving body, if applicable.
A statement on the plan indicating any waivers granted by the Borough Council.
Proposed street names.
The current tax map parcel numbers for the tract to be developed.
Certificates, notifications, and reports:
Where the preliminary plan covers only a part of the entire landholding, a sketch of the future street system of the unsubmitted part shall be furnished. The street system of the submitted part will be considered in light of adjustments and connections with future streets in the part not submitted.
Where the land included in the subject application has an electric transmission line, telecommunications line, a gas pipeline, or a petroleum or petroleum products transmission line located within the tract, the application shall be accompanied by a letter from the owner or lessee of such right-of-way stating any conditions on the use of the land and the minimum building setback and/or right-of-way lines. This requirement may also be satisfied by submitting a copy of the recorded agreement.
Certificate, signature, and seal of the surveyor to the effect that the survey is correct, and certificate, signature, and seal of the surveyor, engineer, or landscape architect that prepared the plan that all other information shown on the plat is accurate. (See Appendix 14.[5])
Certificate for approval by the Borough Council. (See Appendix 17.[6])
Certificate of review by the Denver Borough Planning Commission. (See Appendix 18.[7])
In the case of a preliminary plan calling for the phased installation of improvements, a schedule shall be filed delineating all proposed sections as well as deadlines within which applications for final plan approval of each section are intended to be filed. Each section in any residential subdivision or land development, except for the last section, shall contain a minimum of 25% of the total number of dwelling units as depicted on the preliminary plan unless the Borough Council specifically approves a lesser percentage for one or more of the sections.
Where the subdivision or land development involves a site meeting any of the following criteria, a statement from the Lancaster County Conservation District that an acceptable erosion and sedimentation control plan has been submitted to that agency:
Sites where earth disturbance greater than five acres will occur.
Sites where piping of stormwater or the alteration of natural or man-made watercourses occurs.
Sites with slopes greater than 10%.
Sites that contain or border a stream or body of water.
Sites that offer the potential for sedimentation to nearby bodies of water.
Where the subdivision or land development proposal will generate 100 or more additional trips to or from the site during the development's anticipated peak hour, a traffic impact study as required by this chapter shall be submitted with the preliminary plan.
Where the land included in the subject application has an agricultural, woodland or other natural resource easement located within the tract, the application shall be accompanied by a letter from the party holding the easement stating any conditions on the use of the land. This requirement may be satisfied by submitting a copy of the recorded agreement.
Where the developer intends to construct the improvements required by this chapter after unconditional preliminary plan approval, the applicant shall submit the appropriate executed Memorandum of Understanding (See Appendix 34[8]).
Filing fee. The preliminary plan shall be accompanied by a filing fee in the form of a check or money order drawn to Denver Borough. (See fee schedule available at the Borough's office). Note: A separate filing fee must be submitted for each application. If one check is issued for multiple plans, a detailed breakdown of the individual fee assessments must accompany the payment.
Final plans shall be prepared by a licensed professional engineer, a registered surveyor, or a registered landscape architect. The final plan shall show, be accompanied by, or be prepared in accordance with the following and shall provide sufficient design information to demonstrate conformance with the requirements of Article VI of this chapter:
Drafting standards. The same standards shall be required for a final plan as specified for a preliminary plan in § 170-18A of this chapter.
Location and identification. The same standards shall be required for a final plan as specified for a preliminary plan in § 170-18B of this chapter.
Existing features.
Contour lines representing the topography of the site, if a preliminary plan was not required or the contours identified with the preliminary plan were altered. Such contours shall show elevations at a minimum vertical interval of two feet for land with average natural slope of 4% or less and at a maximum vertical interval of five feet for more steeply sloping land. Contour information shall be accompanied by the location of the benchmark and a notation indicating the datum used. Contours plotted from the United States Geodetic Survey will not be accepted. This information may be provided on separate sheets and is not subject to recording with the final plan.
The names of all immediately adjacent landowners and the names and plan book record numbers of all previously recorded plans for adjacent projects.
The following items when located within 200 feet of the subject tract or upon the site proposed for development: significant environmental or topographic features, including but not limited to floodplains, wetlands, quarry sites, solid waste disposal areas, historic features, cemetery or burial sites, archaeologic sites, highly erosive soils, or wooded areas. Additionally, the preliminary plan shall indicate any proposed disturbance, encroachment, or alteration to such features when located upon the site proposed for development.
The following items when located within 200 feet of the subject tract:
The approximate location and name of existing rights-of-way and cartways for streets, access drives, and service streets.
The approximate location of the following features and any related rights-of-way: sanitary sewer mains, water supply mains, fire hydrants, and stormwater management facilities which affect the stormwater runoff on the subject tract.
The size, capacity, and condition of the existing stormwater management system and any other facility that may be used to convey storm flows from the subject tract.
The following items when located within the subject tract:
The location and size of the following features and related rights-of-way: on-lot sewage disposal systems, on-lot water supplies, sanitary sewer mains, water supply mains, fire hydrants, buildings, and stormwater management facilities. This information may be provided on separate sheets and need not be recorded with the final plan.
The location of existing rights-of-way for electric, telecommunications, gas, and oil transmission lines and railroads.
The size, capacity, and condition of the existing stormwater management system and any other facility that may be used to convey storm flows.
Zoning district boundaries and required dimensional data as set forth in the Zoning Ordinance.[1]
Editor's Note: See Ch. 200, Zoning.
Plan information:
Complete description of the center line and the right-of-way line for all new streets. This description shall include distances and bearings with curve segments comprised of radius, tangent, arc, and chord.
Lot lines, with accurate bearings and distances, and lot areas for all parcels. Curve segments shall be comprised of arc, chord, bearing and distance. Along existing street rights-of-way, the description may utilize the existing deed lines or road center lines; along all proposed street rights-of-way, the description shall be prepared to the right-of-way lines.
Block and lot numbers in consecutive order (e.g., Block "A," lots one through 10; Block "B," Lots 11 through 22).
The location and configuration of proposed buildings, parking compounds, streets, access drives, driveways, landscaping, and all other significant facilities.
Total number of lots, units of occupancy, density, and proposed land use; (if a multiple land use is proposed, an indication of the location of each land use).
Existing and proposed easements, including the specification of the dimensions and purposes of the easements.
Building setback lines, with distances from the street center line, street right-of-way line, or property lines, whichever requirement is applicable under the Zoning Ordinance.[2]
Editor's Note: See Ch. 200, Zoning.
Identification of buildings and historic features proposed to be demolished.
Typical street cross section for each proposed street and a typical cross section for any existing street which will be improved as part of the application. Each cross section shall include the entire right-of-way width.
Final vertical and horizontal alignment for each proposed street, sanitary sewer, and water distribution system. All street profiles shall show at least the existing (natural) profile along the center line, proposed grade at the center line, and the length of all proposed vertical curves for streets. All water distribution and sanitary sewer systems shall provide manhole locations and size and type of material. This information may be provided on separate sheets and is not subject to recording with the final plan.
Source of title to the land included within the subject application, as shown by the books of the Lancaster County Recorder of Deeds.
Final street names.
Location and material of all permanent monuments and lot line markers, including a note that all monuments and lot line markers are set or indicating when they will be set.
A grading plan. The grading plan shall include finished land contours and grades, directions of water movement, type of soils, location of water bars or silt fences and ground floor elevations. This information may be provided on separate sheets and is not subject to recording with the final plan.
Identification of any waivers granted by the Borough Council.
Identification of any lands to be dedicated or reserved for public, semipublic, or community use.
The required stormwater management data designed in accordance with the Borough's Stormwater Management Ordinance.[3] This information may be provided on a sheet with other data or on separate sheets and need not necessarily be recorded with the final plan. In the case of any dispute in the methodology used in the design of any stormwater management plan and/or in the presentation of such information, the Borough Council shall make the final determination on design criteria, methodology, and form of presentation.
All calculations, assumptions, criteria, and references used in the design of the stormwater management facilities, the establishment of existing facilities capacities, and the pre and post development peak discharges.
All plans and profiles of the proposed stormwater management facilities, including the horizontal and vertical location, size, and type of material. This information shall be to a detail required for the construction of the facilities.
For all basins, a plotting or tabulation of the storage volumes and discharge curves with corresponding water surface elevations, inflow hydrography, and outflow hydrography.
For all basins which hold two acre-feet or more of water and have an embankment that is six feet or more in height, soil structure and characteristics shall be provided. Plans and data shall be prepared by a registered professional engineer. These submissions shall provide design solutions for frost-heave potential, spring-swell potential, soil bearing strength, water infiltration, soil settling characteristics, fill and backfilling procedures, and soil treatment techniques as required to protect the improvements for adjacent structures.
All erosion and sedimentation control measures, temporary as well as permanent, including the staging of the earthmoving activities, in sufficient detail to clearly indicate their function.
The guidelines for lot grading within subdivisions. This information shall identify the direction of stormwater runoff flow within each lot and the areas where stormwater runoff flows will be concentrated. This information shall be provided by flow arrows or topographic data. In areas where the Borough Council feels additional lot grading information is needed to assure proper function of the stormwater management facilities, specific grading information will be required as part of the final plan submittal.
Finished first floor elevations for all residential units shall be shown on the plan.
A note on the plan indicating any area that is not to be offered for dedication along with a statement that the Borough is not responsible for maintenance of any area not dedicated to and accepted for public use, and that no alteration to swales, or basins, or placement of structures shall be permitted within easements.
Designation of limits of on-site watershed areas, including a map which shows the off-site watershed areas.
Description of an ownership and maintenance program, in a recordable form, that clearly sets forth the ownership and maintenance responsibilities for all temporary and permanent stormwater management facilities, including the following:
Description of the method and extent of maintenance requirements.
When maintained by a private entity, identification of an individual, corporation, association, or other entity responsible for ownership and maintenance.
When maintained by a private entity, a copy of the legally binding document, in recordable form, which provides that the Borough shall have the right to:
Inspect the facilities at any time.
Require the private entity to take corrective measures and assign the private entity reasonable time periods for any necessary action.
Authorize maintenance to be done and lien the cost of the work against the properties of the private entity responsible for maintenance.
Establishment of suitable easements for access to stormwater management facilities.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 161, Stormwater Management.
A statement on the plan indicating that all zoning approvals and all zoning variances have been obtained from the Borough along with the date of the approval and the approving body, if applicable.
Certificates, notifications, and reports.
When applicable, notification from the Department of Environmental Protection that either approval of the Sewer Facility Plan Revision (Plan Revision Module for Land Development) or Supplement has been granted or that such approval is not required. If the final plan is conditionally approved pursuant to § 170-37, notification that the plan is subject to a pending Sewage Facilities Plan Revision Module and that approval shall be obtained prior to the sale of any lots or the commencement of construction.
Where the land included in the subject application has an electric transmission line, a gas pipeline, a telecommunication line, or a petroleum or petroleum product transmission line located within the tract, the application shall be accompanied by a letter from the owner or lessee of such right-of-way stating any conditions on the use of the land and the minimum building setback and/or right-of-way lines. This requirement may also be satisfied by submitting a copy of the recorded agreement.
Notice from the Lancaster County-wide Communications stating that the proposed street names are acceptable.
Certificate, signature, and seal of the surveyor, to the effect that the survey is correct and certificate, signature and seal of the surveyor, engineer, or landscape architect that prepared the plan that all other information shown on the plat is accurate. (See Appendix 14.[4])
Certificate of approval by the Borough Council. (See Appendix 19[5]).
Certificate of review by the Denver Borough Planning Commission. (See Appendix 18[6]).
A statement, duly acknowledged before an officer authorized to take acknowledgment of deeds and signed by the landowner, to the effect that the subdivision or land development shown on the plan is the act and the deed of the owner, that all those signing are all the owners of the property shown on the survey and plan, and that they desire the same to be recorded as such (see Appendix 16[7]). This statement must be dated following the last change or revision to said plan.
A certificate of dedication of streets and other public property. (See Appendix 16.[8])
Certificate of review to be signed by the Lancaster County Planning Commission. (See Appendix 21.[9])
A certificate to accommodate the Lancaster County Recorder of Deeds information. (See Appendix 23.[10])
A note to be placed on the plan indicating any area that is not to be offered for dedication, if applicable.
An appropriately executed Memorandum of Understanding which sets forth the responsibilities of all parties regarding the installation and inspection of the required improvements. (See Appendix 34.[11])
Written notice from the Borough that all improvements have been made to the standards of the chapter or that an improvement guarantee has been submitted and was accepted by the Borough Council. (See Appendix 26 or 27[12] for Notice and Article V for the Administration.)
Editor's Note: Appendices 26 and 27 are included at the end of this chapter.
Such written notices of approval as required by the chapter, including written notices approving the water supply systems, sanitary sewage systems, and stormwater runoff to adjacent properties. (See § 170-37 for specific requirements.)
The submission of a controlling agreement in accordance with § 170-30B when an application proposes to establish a street which is not offered for dedication to public use.
In the case of a plan which requires access to a highway under the jurisdiction of the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, the inclusion of the following plan note:
"A Highway Occupancy Permit is required pursuant to Section 420 of the Act of June 1, 1945 (P.L. 1242, No. 428), known as the "State Highway Law," before driveway access to a State highway is permitted. Access to the State highway shall only be as authorized by a Highway Occupancy Permit, and the Borough Council's approval of this plan in no way implies that such permit can be acquired."
Further, in the case of a plan which requires access to a street, road, or highway under the jurisdiction of the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, Highway Occupancy Permit drawings shall be provided in conformance with § 170-9B(5), Final Plan Application Requirements.
For all stormwater management facilities that affect an existing watercourse or have an upland drainage area greater than 1/2 square miles, notification from the Department of Environmental Protection of approval or that no approval is required.
Where the subdivision involves a site meeting any of the following criteria, a statement from the Lancaster County Conservation District that an acceptable erosion and sedimentation control plan has been submitted to that agency:
Sites where earth disturbance greater than 5,000 square feet will occur.
Sites where piping of stormwater or the alteration of natural or man-made watercourses occurs.
Sites with slopes greater than 10%.
Sites that contain or border a stream or body of water.
Sites that offer the potential for sedimentation to nearby bodies of water.
Where the land included in the subject application has an agricultural woodland, or other natural resource easement located within the tract, the application shall be accompanied by a letter from the party holding the easement stating any conditions on the use of the land. This requirement may be satisfied by submitting a copy of the recorded agreement.
Sketch plan of future street system of the unsubmitted part shall be furnished.
Filing fee. The final plan shall be accompanied by a filing fee in the form of a check or money order drawn to Denver Borough. (See Fee Schedule available at the Borough's office).
Lot add-on plans shall be prepared by a licensed professional engineer, a surveyor, or a registered landscape architect and shall be subject to the following requirements:
Drafting standards:
The plan shall be clearly and legibly drawn on 18 x 22 or 24 x 36 inch sheets and drawn to a scale of one inch equal to 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, or 100 feet.
Dimensions shall be in degrees, minutes, and seconds with an error of closure no greater than one foot in 10,000 feet.
Plan information. The following information shall be provided on the sheet to be recorded:
Project name.
Name of the municipality in which the project is located.
Name and address of the owner of the tract and all adjacent landowners affected by the proposed conveyance.
Name and address of the firm that prepared the plan and the file or project number assigned by the firm.
A north arrow, graphic scale, written scale, plan date, and the date(s) of all plan revisions.
A location map, at a scale not less than one inch equal to 2,000 feet, with sufficient information to locate the specific property involved. All existing streets, roads, public utilities, and municipal boundaries in the vicinity of the site shall be identified.
The total number of lots, total acreage, density of development, present zoning classification, and minimum lot area requirements.
The location, size, and dimensions of existing right-of-way easements and utilities on or adjacent to both the conveying and receiving tracts.
The names of all immediately adjacent landowners and the names and plan book record numbers of all previously recorded plans for projects adjacent to either the conveying or receiving tract.
Source of title to the tract being subdivided (including the conveying tract and the receiving tract).
An accurate description of the parcel to be conveyed and the receiving parcel. If the remainder of the conveying tract has a lot area of 10 acres or less, it must also be described to the accuracy requirements of this chapter. If the remaining acreage is in excess of 10 acres, its boundary and the boundary of the receiving tract shall be described by deed plottings drawn at a legible scale.
Location and material of all permanent monuments and lot line markers, including a note indicating when they will be set.
Lot numbers.
Identification of any waivers granted by the Borough Council.
Significant environmental features.
Zoning district boundaries and required dimensional data as set forth in the Zoning Ordinance.[1]
Editor's Note: See Ch. 200, Zoning.
Certificate signature and seal of the surveyor to the effect that the survey is correct. (See Appendix 14.[2])
Certificate of approval by Borough Council. (See Appendix 20[3].)
Certificate of review by the Denver Borough Planning Commission. (See Appendix 18.[4])
Certificate of review to be signed by the Lancaster County Planning Commission. (See Appendix 21.[5])
A statement, duly acknowledged before an officer authorized to take acknowledgment of deeds and signed by the landowner, to the effect that the subdivision as shown on the plan is the act and deed of the owner, that all those signing are all the owners of the property shown on the survey and plan, and that they desire the same to be recorded as such (see Appendix 16[6]).
A statement, duly acknowledged before an officer authorized to take acknowledgment of deeds and signed by the owner of the receiving tract, to the effect that the conveyance as shown on the plan is in accordance with the intent of the landowner, that all those signing are all of the owners of the property shown on the plan, and that they desire the same to be recorded as such. (See Appendix 16.[7])
A certificate to accommodate the Lancaster County Recorder of Deeds information. (See Appendix 23.[8])
When the applicable criteria are satisfactorily proven to exist, a plan shall be prepared and submitted in accordance with the following requirements:
Drafting standards.
The plan shall be prepared by a licensed professional engineer, a registered surveyor, or a registered landscape architect, and shall be clearly and legibly drawn on an 18 x 22 or 24 x 36 inch sheet and drawn to a scale of one inch equal to 10 feet, 20 feet, 30 feet, 40 feet, 50 feet, 60 feet, or 100 feet.
Dimensions shall be in degrees, minutes, and seconds with an error of closure no greater than one in 10,000 feet.
Plan information. The sheet to be recorded shall provide the following information:
Project name and plan status.
Municipality in which the subject tract is located.
Name and address of the owner of the tract.
Name and address of the firm that prepared the plan and the file or project number assigned by that firm.
A north arrow, graphic scale, written scale, plan date, and date of all plan revisions.
A location map, at a scale not less than one inch equal to 2,000 feet, with sufficient information to locate the specific property involved. All existing streets, roads, public utilities, and municipal boundaries in the vicinity of the site shall be identified.
The total number of lots, total acreage, density of development, present zoning classification, and minimum lot area requirements.
The location, size, and dimensions of existing rights-of-way, easements, and utilities on or adjacent to the proposed lots.
The names of all immediately adjacent landowners and the names and plan book record numbers of all previously recorded plans for projects adjacent to the subject tract.
The source of title to the subject tract.
An accurate description of the proposed lots and an identification of the proposed lot area. Along existing street rights-of-way, the description may utilize the existing deed lines or road center line.
Location and material of all permanent monuments and lot line markers, including a note indicating when they will be set.
Lot numbers and block designations.
A deed plotting of the subject tract at a scale not less than one inch equals 400 feet which accurately identifies the configuration and acreage, as well as the location of all structures, floodplain and drainage easements, points of ingress and egress, easements, and sewer and water facilities.
If the plan is conditionally approved pursuant to § 170-37, notification that the plan is subject to a pending Sewage Facilities Plan Revision Module and that approval shall be obtained prior to the sale on any lots or the commencement of construction.
In case of a plan which requires access to a highway under the jurisdiction of the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, the inclusion of the following plan note:
"A Highway Occupancy Permit is required pursuant to Section 420 of the Act of June 1, 1945 (P.L. 1242, No. 428) known as the "State Highway Law," before driveway access to a State highway is permitted. Access to the State highway shall only be as authorized by a Highway Occupancy Permit, and the Borough Council's approval of this plan in no way implies that such permit can be acquired.
Further, in the case of a plan that requires access to a street, road, or highway under the jurisdiction of the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, Highway Occupancy Permit drawings shall be provided in conformance with § 170-9B(5), Final Plan Application Requirements."
On and within 200 feet of the lots proposed for development, identify the location of all proposed structures, existing floodplain and drainage easements, points of ingress and egress, easements, and sewer and water facilities.
The capacity and condition of all stormwater management facilities located on and within 200 feet of the lots proposed to be developed must be identified. Any adverse impact to such facilities resulting from increased flows from the site must be addressed in conformance with the provisions of the Borough's Stormwater Management Ordinance.[1]
Editor's Note: See Ch. 161, Stormwater Management.
Zoning district boundaries and required dimensional data as set forth in the Zoning Ordinance.[2]
Editor's Note: See Ch. 200, Zoning.
Certificates. The following certificates shall be provided on the plan and shall be signed and dated on or after the latest plan revision.
A statement, duly acknowledged before an officer authorized to take acknowledgment of deeds and signed by the landowner, to the effect that the subdivision shown on the plan is the act and deed of the owner, and that all those signing are all the owners of the property shown on the survey and plan, and that they desire the same to be recorded as such (see Appendix 16[3]).
A certificate of approval by Borough Council. (See Appendix 19.[4])
A certificate of review by the Denver Borough Planning Commission. (See Appendix 18.[5])
Certificate, signature, and seal of the surveyor to the effect that the survey and plan are correct to the accuracy requirements of the chapter. (See Appendix 14.[6])
A certificate of review by the Lancaster County Planning Commission. (See Appendix 21.[7])
A certificate for the Lancaster County Recorder of Deeds as specified in Appendix 23.[8]
Plans shall be prepared by a licensed professional engineer or by a registered surveyor and shall be prepared in accordance with the following requirements:
Drafting standards.
Plans shall be clearly and legibly drawn on 18 x 22 or 24 x 36 inch sheets at a scale of one inch equal to 10 feet, 20 feet, 30 feet, 40 feet, 50 feet, 60 feet, or 100 feet.
Dimensions shall be in degrees, minutes, and seconds with an error of closure no greater than one foot in 10,000 feet.
Plan information.
Project name and name of Borough.
Name and address of the record owner of the tract, source of title, and copy of current deed.
Name and address of the firm which prepared the plan and the file or project number assigned by the firm.
North arrow, graphic scale, written scale, plan date, and date of all plan revisions.
A location map, at a scale not less than one inch equals one inch equals 2,000 feet, with sufficient information to locate the specific property involved. All existing streets, roads, public utilities, and municipal boundaries, in the vicinity of the subject tract shall be identified.
The total number of lots, total acreage, units of occupancy, density of development, present zoning classification, and zoning regulations.
The names of immediately adjacent landowners and the names and plan book record numbers of all previously recorded plans for projects adjacent to the subject tract.
Existing rights-of-way, easements, and utilities on or adjacent to the subject tract.
A statement indicating the method of water supply and sewage disposal which will service the lots and the location of any such existing systems. If the plan is conditionally approved pursuant to § 170-37, notification that the plan is subject to a pending Sewage Facilities Plan Revision Module and that approval shall be obtained prior to the sale of any lots or the commencement of construction.
Location of all existing improvements on the subject tract, including, but not limited to, units of occupancy, accessory buildings, and points of access.
Location of building setback lines.
Lot and block designations and acreage of each proposed lot.
Location and width of existing street cartway(s) and right(s)-of-way adjacent to the subject tract.
Location and material of all existing and proposed permanent monuments and lot line markers, including an indication of when they will be set.
The location and configuration of proposed buildings, parking compounds, streets, access drives, driveways, landscaping, and all other significant facilities.
An accurate description of the proposed lots and an identification of the proposed lot area. Along existing street rights-of-way, the description may utilize the existing deed lines or road center line.
A deed plotting of the subject tract at a scale not less than one inch equals 400 feet which accurately identifies the configuration and acreage, as well as the location of all structures, floodplain, and drainage easements, points of ingress and egress, easements, and sewer and water facilities.
Zoning district boundaries and required dimensional data as set forth in the Zoning Ordinance.[1]
Editor's Note: See Ch. 200, Zoning.
In the case of plans which require access to a highway under the jurisdiction of the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, the inclusion of the following plan note:
"A Highway Occupancy Permit is required pursuant to Section 420 of the Act of June 1, 1945 (P.L. 1242, No. 428), known as the "State Highway Law," before driveway access to a State Highway is permitted. Access to the State Highway shall only be as authorized by a Highway Occupancy Permit, and the Borough Council's approval of this plan in no way implies that such permit can be acquired."
Certificates. The following certificates shall be provided on the plan and shall be signed and dated on or after the latest plan revision.
Certificate signature and seal of the professional registered land surveyor to the effect that the survey is accurate and that all plan information is correct (see Appendix 14[2]).
Certificate of review by the Denver Borough Planning Commission (see Appendix 18[3]).
Certificate of approval by the Borough Council (see Appendix 19[4]).
A certificate to accommodate the Lancaster County Recorder of Deeds (see Appendix 23[5]).
A certificate of review by the Lancaster County Planning Commission (see Appendix 21[6]).
A statement, duly acknowledged before an officer authorized to take acknowledgment of deeds and signed by the land owner, to the effect that the subdivision as shown on the plan is the act and deed of the owner, that all those signing are all the owners of the property shown on the survey and plan, and that they desire the same to be recorded as such (see Appendix 16[7]).