Elizabeth Township may include all costs incurred in the fees charged to an applicant.
The fees may include, but not be limited to, costs for the following:
Administrative and clerical costs.
Review of the SWM site plan.
Review of the stormwater operation and maintenance plan and stormwater agreement by the Township solicitor/staff.
Inspections of site construction by Township staff or their designee.
Any additional work required to enforce any provisions of this chapter, correct violations, and assure proper completion of stipulated remedial actions.
Persons installing stormwater management storage facilities or BMPs shall be required to pay a specified amount to the Elizabeth Township Stormwater Management Inspection Fund to help defray costs of periodic inspection expenses.
The amount of the deposit shall be determined as follows:
If the storage facility is to be privately owned and maintained, the deposit shall cover the cost of periodic inspections performed by the Township for a period of 10 years.
If the storage facility is to be owned and maintained by Elizabeth Township, the deposit shall cover the cost of periodic inspections performed by the Township for a period of 10 years.
The Township's Engineer will establish the estimated costs utilizing information submitted by the applicant. If the applicant is not satisfied with costs prepared by the Township Engineer, the applicant can appeal the same pursuant to the Administrative Agency Act.
No interest shall be earned on any deposits by any person and all interest shall become the property of the Township to be further used for inspection.
Nothing contained herein in § 150-83 shall constitute a waiver of any duty of any private owner to maintain its stormwater storage facilities at its sole expense.
At a minimum, the Township shall inspect the stormwater and BMP facilities:
Once during the first three years.
Once every two years thereafter.
During or immediately after the cessation of a rainfall event of six inches (approximately the fifty-year storm) or greater.
The Township shall prepare a report of the site inspection for its file. If deficiencies are found or the owner is in violation of this chapter or any recorded operations and maintenance agreement, the Township shall issue a notice of violation to the property owner. The notice shall identify the deficiencies in maintenance or the violations of this chapter or recorded operations and maintenance agreement and set forth the time frame in which all such issues shall be addressed. The property owner shall reimburse the Township for legal, engineering and administrative costs of enforcement if the violations are not remedied within the time frame indicated.