At the expiration of the present and all subsequent renewal terms for which a franchise is granted, or upon its revocation, as provided for herein, the franchisee shall have the right to remove, at its expense, all or any portion of the cable system from all streets and public rights-of-way within its franchise area. In doing so, the franchisee shall return all disturbed areas to their condition existing prior to franchisee's installation of its cable system, including but not limited to necessary refilling and compacting all disturbed areas. All such work shall be done at the franchisee's sole cost and expense and shall be subject to inspection and approval by the township, whose inspection fees shall be paid by the franchisee.
Transfer. A franchise granted under this ordinance shall not be sold, assigned or transferred, either in whole or in part, or leased or sublet in any manner, nor shall title hereto, either legal or equitable, or any right, interest or property therein, pass to or vest in any person without full compliance with the procedures set forth in this section and the expressed approval of the Board.
Parties to the sale or transfer shall make written request to the township for the approval of a sale or transfer. An application for a transfer shall provide complete information on the proposed transaction, including details of the legal, financial, technical and other qualifications of the transferee.
The township shall reply in writing within 60 days of the application and shall indicate approval of the application or its determination that a public hearing is necessary due to potential adverse effect on the franchisee's subscribers.
If a public hearing is deemed necessary, it shall commence within 60 days of such determination pursuant to public notice setting forth the purpose of the hearing. Written notice shall be given to the applicant and to any person who has registered his name and address with the township requesting to be given notice of any such proceedings.
Within 45 days after the close of the record following the conclusion of the public hearing(s), the township shall issue its determination.
Determination by township. In making a determination as to whether to grant, deny or grant subject to conditions an application for a transfer of a franchise, the township shall consider the legal, financial and technical qualifications of the transferee to operate the cable system; whether the incumbent cable operator is in compliance with its franchise agreement and this ordinance and, if not, the proposed transferee's commitment to cure such noncompliance; whether the transferee owns or controls any other cable system in the township, or whether operation by the transferee may eliminate or reduce competition in the delivery of cable service in the township; and whether operation by the transferee or approval of the transfer would adversely affect subscribers, the township's interest under this ordinance, the franchise agreement, or other applicable law, or make it less likely that the future cable-related needs and interests of the community would be satisfied at a reasonable cost.
Transferee's agreement. No application for a transfer of a franchise shall be granted unless the transferee agrees in writing that it will abide by and accept all terms of this ordinance and the franchise agreement, and that it will assume the obligations and liabilities known and unknown of the previous franchisee under this ordinance and the franchise agreement.
Approval does not constitute waiver. Approval by the township of a transfer of a franchise does not constitute a waiver or release of any of the rights of the township under this ordinance or the franchise agreement, whether arising before or after the date of the transfer.
Processing fee. As a condition of considering a transfer, the township may impose a fee upon the transferee to cover its estimated out-of-pocket expenses in considering the application for transfer of a franchise, provided that such fee does not exceed $1,000. Any amount collected in excess of the estimated amount shall be returned to the transferee.
Filing of transfer document. Within 30 days of any transfer, franchisee shall file with the township a copy of the deed, agreement, mortgage, lease or other written instruments evidencing such sale, transfer of ownership or control, or lease, certifying and sworn to be correct by the franchisee.