There shall be a Department of Recreation of the Borough which shall have the jurisdiction over all organized recreation activities within the Borough. Such activities shall include, but not be limited to, basketball, baseball, softball, soccer, tennis, aerobics, crafts and dance programs; also the organization of special events and the supervision of the marina's boat ramp.
The Department shall also oversee the maintenance of the Borough's parks and recreation facilities, in conjunction with the Department of Public Works.
There shall be a Recreation Director appointed by the Mayor, with the advice and consent of the Council, who shall serve for a term of up to one year, until the organization meeting of Borough Council in January of the following year.
The Recreation Director shall have the following responsibilities:
Serve as Chief Administrative Officer in charge of the Borough's recreation programs and facilities.
Analyze the Borough's recreation needs to develop immediate and long-range plans, in conjunction with the Council's Beach and Recreation Committee and the Recreation Advisory Board.
Plan, organize and administer recreation services for the entire community.
Hire, organize, train and supervise such persons as are necessary to support the programs, subject to the budget limits set by Council.
Supervise the collection of recreation fees and insure that the Borough's accounting practices are followed.