If the volume or character of the waste to be treated does not cause overloading of the sewage collection, transmission, or treatment facilities, then the person making the discharge pays a user charge to be determined from the schedule of charges. The user charges assessed to the discharger pursuant to this section shall include but not be limited to the user's proportionate share of the following:
Amortization of all applicable capital outlays and the proportionate part of the value of the existing wastewater system used in handling and treating the waste;
Operation and maintenance costs, including salaries and wages, power costs, costs of chemicals and supplies, proper allowances for maintenance, depreciation, overhead and office expenses. If the volume or character of the waste to be treated required that wastewater collection, treatment or other disposal facilities be improved, expanded or enlarged in order to treat the waste, then prior to issuance of a wastewater discharge permit, the Mayor and Council and the person making the discharge shall enter into an agreement which provides that the discharger pay in full all added costs that may be incurred due to acceptance of the waste.
All users may be classified by assigning each one to a user classification category according to the principal activity conducted on the user's premises and/or based on the typical wastewater constituents and characteristics for that type of user as determined by the Mayor and Council. The purpose of such classification is to facilitate the regulation of wastewater discharges, to provide an effective means of source control, and to establish an equitable system of user charges and fees.
A user charge shall be adopted based on the wastewater constituents and volume. The charges for wastewater constituents and characteristics shall be established by the Mayor and Council and set forth in the schedule of charges and fees, which may include but not be limited to:
User classification charges;
Fees for monitoring, if requested;
Fees for permit applications;
Charges and fees based on wastewater constituents and characteristics.
Each user, not required to obtain a wastewater discharge permit, shall pay the applicable user charge as established and set forth in the schedule of user charges and fees. The Mayor and Council may elect to set a unit charge for certain user classification based on estimated wastewater constituents and charges, the typical average strength of domestic wastewater shall be defined as: BOD 205 mg/l; suspended solids 250 mg/l.
Users who are issued a wastewater discharge permit under the provisions of this chapter shall pay a user charge determined by a methodology which incorporates both the wastewater constituent and characteristic data and the volume of wastewater discharged.
[Amended 11-1-1999]
The schedule of charges adopted by the Mayor and Council are posted separately and are subject to review and potential revision at intervals not exceeding two years.[1]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. III).
In addition to the quarterly charge, residential/commercial/industrial/library and school users shall pay an amount as defined on the annually adopted Fee Chart.[2]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. III).
If water is not returned to the sewer, other methods of determining quantity discharged shall be determined by the Mayor and Council.
Rates: refer to current Fee Chart.
[Amended 9-5-2000; 9-4-2001[3]]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. III).
In applying the schedule of charges, the Mayor and Council may use the figure representing the flow discharges into the sewer system by:
The amount of water supplied to the premises as shown upon the water meter, if the premises are metered; or
The volume of wastewater discharged into the sewer as determined by measurements by sewer meters and samples taken at a manhole;
Allowance for employees; or
A figure determined by the Mayor and Council by any combination of the foregoing or by any other equitable method.
The constituent concentrations of any wastewater shall usually be determined from representative samples discharged to the public sewers. The samples may be taken by representatives of the Mayor and Council at sampling stations as described under Article V, § 170-40, of this chapter at any period or time, or of such duration and in such a manner as the Mayor and Council may elect, or at any place or in such manner as mutually agreed upon between the user and the Mayor and Council. The intent of any sampling procedure is to establish the constituent concentrations in the wastewater discharged during the average or typical working day. These concentrations may be derived, according to the best judgment of the Mayor and Council, by combining repeated subsamplings during one day, by combination of a series of such days, or by combination of a number of multiple series of such days. The analysis of samples taken shall be performed by an approved laboratory as mutually deemed acceptable by the Mayor and Council and the user, and the charges and/or acceptability of the wastes shall be determined from said analysis.
All user charges shall be based on the analysis of the wastes from any plant or premises related to total volume of wastes, as determined under § 170-48 of this article. The concentration of constituents shall be used in calculating the user charge until the user shall prove or the Mayor and Council shall determine that a reanalysis and/or resampling is warranted for the determination of new constituent concentrations of its wastes.
[Amended 10-3-1988]