[Amended 1-9-2023 by Ord. No. 2022-008]
To provide a sound environment including adequate open spaces for access to light and air, to facilitate the prevention of fire, to prevent undue concentration of population, and to lessen congestion in the streets, no building or premises shall be erected, altered or used except in accordance with the standards set forth in this article.
[Amended 4-1-2019 by Ord. No. 2019-001]
The Town of Milton Density Control Table is hereby adopted and declared to be part of this Town of Milton Zoning Ordinance shows height, area and bulk requirements within each zoning use district within the Town of Milton.[1]
[Amended 1-9-2023 by Ord. No. 2022-008]
Editor's Note: The Density Control Table is included as an attachment to this chapter.
For purposes of calculating the permitted density or allowable density in all districts, the gross area shall be divided by the applicable lot area stated in each district, unless otherwise specifically set forth therein. For purposes of this section, "gross area" shall include the lot areas and the area of land set aside for common open space or recreational use but shall exclude any area designated as a buffer for any tidal tributary stream, freshwater pond, lake or river pursuant to § 220-59, any wetlands, either tidal or freshwater, designated as protected by state or federal law or both, and any public or private right-of-way.
There shall be a front yard of at least 15 feet on the side street of a corner lot in any district.
The following projections from the primary structure into required yards are permitted subject to dimensional restrictions designed to protect adjacent areas:
Awnings or movable canopies and overhangs: six feet into any yard.
Cornices, eaves, retaining walls and roofs: three feet into any yard.
Utility equipment may project five feet into the side yard or rear yard setbacks.
Any open porch or deck shall be considered a part of the building and may encroach up to 1/2 the distance on the side yard or rear yard setback. Paved terraces that are not covered shall not be considered a part of the building.
[Amended 1-9-2023 by Ord. No. 2022-008]
Accessory uses and buildings may be located in accordance with Article VII of this chapter.
In all districts where residences are permitted, a lot held in single ownership may be improved for residential use according to the minimum lot size per dwelling unit and area bulk regulations for the district as set forth in the Density Control Table, provided that there shall be no more than one principal building and use on each lot except as provided herein. If two or more residential structures are proposed to be located on the same lot, the maximum average density requirement must be complied with, and the lot shall be subdivided so as to provide adequate width and yards.
Side yards for semidetached, townhouses or multifamily dwelling units, where permitted, shall be required at the ends of the total structure only.
On a street or road with existing buildings having a front yard setback that is less than that required in the district, any new or relocated building may have a front yard setback that is equal to the average setback of those existing buildings located on the same side of the street or road and being within 300 feet of the new or relocated building. Any vacant lot shall be calculated as having the required setback for the district.
Projections such as chimneys, silos, church spires, domes, elevator shaft housings, water tanks, antennas, aerials, flagpoles, solar energy collectors and equipment used for the mounting and operation of such collectors, and other similar objects not used for human occupancy shall be subject to site plan approval prior to issuance of a building permit.
[Amended 1-9-2023 by Ord. No. 2022-008]
In the case of a lot running through from one street to another street or alley, the frontage for the majority of the buildings in the block front shall be considered the primary frontage for the purposes of this chapter. In cases where there is no clearly defined frontage, the owner, when applying for a building permit, shall specify which lot line is considered the primary frontage. The rear portion of such a lot shall, however, be treated as a lot front for the purposes of determining required setbacks and locations of permitted structures and uses.
Where a residential district and a nonresidential district are separated by a street, there shall be provided in the nonresidential district a landscaped setback or yard area a minimum of 15 feet in depth.
[Amended 1-9-2023 by Ord. No. 2022-008]
All parcels adjoining an agricultural preservation district shall provide a minimum fifty-foot-wide landscape buffer, to include trees, along the agricultural preservation district and the placement of any principal structure shall be 100 feet from the agricultural preservation district line.