[HISTORY: Adopted by the Village Board of the Village of Liberty 3-18-1974. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Hawking and peddling — See Ch. 41.
Soliciting — See Ch. 71.
It shall be unlawful for any person to engage in the business of pawnbroker in the Village or to receive goods in pledge for loans for which a rate of interest is charged without first obtaining a license therefor.
A license fee of $25 per year shall be charged for the issuance of a license for carrying on the business of pawnbroker in the Village.
A license issued under the provisions of this chapter to engage in the business of pawnbroker shall not be transferable.
A license to engage in the business of pawnbroker shall terminate on December 31 of the year in which such license is issued.
Every licensed pawnbroker shall keep a substantially bound book in which shall be legibly written in ink and in English, at the time of making a loan, an account and description of the goods, articles or things pawned or pledged, including the number or numbers and any monograms, inscriptions or other marks of identification that may appear thereon, the amount loaned thereon, the time and day of the loan and its maturity, the rate of interest paid on such loans and the name, general description and residence of the person pawning or pledging such goods, articles or things. Such book and all articles pawned or pledged shall at all reasonable times be open to the inspection of any police officer, to any person duly authorized in writing for such purpose by the Chief of Police, which person shall exhibit such written authority to the pawnbroker, and to all other persons so designated in the General Business Law of the State of New York.
If any pawned or pledged articles are found to have been stolen, then the pawnbroker or person doing such pawn broking business shall, upon request of the Chief of Police, hold said articles until released by said Chief.
[Amended 11-9-2009 by L.L. No. 3-2009; 1-11-2010 by L.L. No. 1-2010]
Any person found in violation of this chapter shall be fined not more than $250 nor less than $100 a day for each and every day that he is found to be in violation of this chapter.