[Amended 4-12-1999 by L.L. No. 2-1999]
Effective as of April 12, 1999, it shall be unlawful to construct a new private sewage system within the Village of Liberty. It shall also be unlawful to completely replace any existing private sewage system.
All property owners presently utilizing any private sewage system shall be permitted to continue utilizing such private sewage system, provided that:
Such system shall, at all times, be in compliance with all applicable health and safety regulations, including any such regulations promulgated by the New York State Department of Health.
If any such system shall fail and require replacement thereof, the property owner shall be required to discontinue utilizing such system and shall be required to arrange for connection to the municipal sewer system. For purposes of this section, any repair of a private sewer system costing more than $2,500 in a twelve-month period shall be deemed a replacement of such system (including the imputed value of labor, if any).
If any such system shall cease to be utilized for a continuous period of six months, the property owner shall be required to discontinue utilizing such system and shall be required to arrange for connection to the municipal sewer system.
The owner of an existing private sewage disposal or a sewage system shall operate and maintain such facilities in a satisfactory manner at all times, at no expense to the Village.
At such time as a public sewer becomes available to a property served by a private sewage disposal and/or sewage system, as provided for in Article IV, § 68-8, a direct connection shall be made to the public sewer in compliance with this article within 60 days. Any person obtaining a permit to connect to the public sewer shall be required to abandon the existing septic tank or cesspool or other private sewage disposal facilities as hereinafter prescribed in Article IV, and said facilities shall be cleaned of sludge and removed or filled with suitable material or as directed by the Administrator.
Where service through a public sewer becomes available to an existing private sewage system, the Administrator shall, before issuing a permit for connection to the public sewer, have the right to perform such tests and inspections as may be required to ascertain the completeness and integrity of the private sewage system and to require all necessary repairs to be made by the owner, at no expense to the Village, to make the private sewage system acceptable for connection to the public sewer, as required by this article, or such additional rules, regulations and specifications as may be adopted by the Village Board.