[HISTORY: Adopted Liberty Village Board 6-17-1963.]
The following rules and regulations shall apply to the members of the police force; and such members of the police force, as a condition of their employment, shall act in conformity with the following rules and regulations:
No policeman is to transport, in the course of his employment, any prisoner outside the corporate limits of the Village of Liberty without the prior express permission of his superior officer.
No policeman shall, in the course of his employment, deliver a material witness pursuant to the provisions of (162) of the Code of Criminal Procedure without first having obtained the permission of his superior officer.
No policeman shall, in the course of his employment, serve a subpoena or court order or other lawful process upon a witness or party to a court action or proceeding, outside the Village of Liberty, without first having obtained the consent and permission of his superior officer.
No policeman shall, while in the course of his employment, follow in hot pursuit a person who has committed a crime or offense or who has violated a local law or ordinance, unless such crime, offense or violation has occurred within the limits of the Village of Liberty.
No policeman shall effectuate, in the course of his employment, an arrest pursuant to a warrant, outside the corporate limits of the Village of Liberty, without first having obtained the consent or permission of his superior officer.
No policeman shall, in the course of his employment, exercise any authority as a police officer of the Village of Liberty beyond the boundaries of such Village of Liberty except as hereinabove authorized unless specific authority is granted to such policeman by his superior officer.