These regulations shall be deemed the minimum requirements for the future growth and development of the Village which will provide adequate facilities for the housing, transportation, distribution, comfort, convenience, safety, health and welfare of its population.
Special circumstances; hardship. Where the Board finds that, because of special circumstances of a particular plat, extraordinary hardships, not of the owner's or subdivider's making, may result from strict compliance with these regulations, it may vary or waive any of the regulations so that substantial justice may be done and the public interest secured, provided that such variation or waiver shall comply with Chapter 190, Zoning, and will not have the effect of nullifying the intent and purpose of the Comprehensive Plan, Official Map or these regulations.
Conditions. In granting any variance or waiver, the Board shall set forth such findings in its resolution of approval and such conditions as will substantially secure the objectives of the standards or requirements so varied or modified.
Any person, firm or corporation found guilty of the violation of these regulations shall be subject to the penalties set forth in Chapter 1, General Provisions, Article II.
These subdivision regulations shall become effective on July 6, 1960, and shall remain in force until modified, amended or rescinded by the Board.