In I Districts, the regulations in this article shall apply.
In an I District, a building may be erected, altered or used and a lot or premises may be used for any of the following purposes and for no other:
Any use permitted as a matter of right or on a special permit in any other district, subject to all specifications and requirements for such use.
Industrial uses of the following nature and uses of a no more objectionable nature, provided that no use shall be allowed which produces or emits dust, smoke, odor, gas fumes, noise, vibration or similar substances or conditions comparable in character or in aggregate amount to any uses listed in §§ 195-101 and 195-102 of this chapter: baking plant, coal, coke or lumberyard, wholesale storage and warehouse, bottling works, monument works, laundry, veterinary hospital, motor vehicle repair shop, cold storage plant, creamery, dry-cleaning plant, power-generating station, ice manufacture, railroad yards, foundry or stable.
Uses of a light manufacturing nature, employing electricity or other unobjectionable motor power, utilizing hand labor or unobjectionable machinery or processes and free from any objectionable odors, fumes, dirt, vibration or noise.
The following uses may be permitted by the Board of Appeals, provided that the Board receives sufficient evidence to indicate that the proposed use will not materially harm adjacent property nor comprise a nuisance to the health, safety or welfare of the community. The Board may impose such conditions and safeguards as may be deemed necessary to protect and conserve adjacent property and to maintain the character of the district, as provided in § 195-36 of this chapter.
Abattoir (slaughterhouse), dead animal and offal reduction, fat rendering, automobile junkyard, brewing or distillation, meat packing, petroleum storage, power forge, rock crusher, scrap paper or rug storage, scrap iron or junk storage, quarry, sandpit, gravel pit, topsoil stripping, cement batching.
Manufacture of asphalt, ammunition, brick, carbon, disinfectant, fireworks, glucose, paper, plaster, soap, tile, vinegar, etc.
Other uses similar in character and no more objectionable to those enumerated in this section.
The following uses are prohibited in I Districts:
Boiler making, bone distillation, petroleum refining and tar distillation, stockyards, curing, tanning and storage of hides.
Manufacture of acids, ammonia, cement, chlorine, fertilizer, glue, gypsum, lime, soda, dyestuffs, grease, lard or tallow, matches, rubber, plaster of paris, etc.
In general, those industries which, by reason of excessive or frequent emission of smoke, gas, noise, odor, vibration and dust or other substances or conditions, constitute a nuisance or detriment to public safety, convenience and welfare.
In an I District, no industrial structure shall be erected or altered to exceed a height of three stories or 45 feet.
In an I District, lot area requirements shall be not less than 9,000 square feet and lot width not less than 60 feet.
In an I District, industrial structures, including accessory buildings, shall not cover more than 40% of the area of the lot.
In an I District, industrial structures shall have front, side and rear yards not less than the following dimensions:
Front yard: 25 feet.
Side yard: 10 feet each side yard; provided, however, that any lot bordering on a residential district shall have a side yard or a width not less than 30 feet.
Rear yard: 10% of the depth of the lot, but no less than 20 feet.
In an I District, accessory buildings shall meet the following requirements:
Maximum height: 30 feet.
Minimum distance from lot lines:
Front yard: No accessory building is permitted in front of the principal building.
From side lot lines: eight feet each side yard; provided, however, that any lot bordering on a residential district shall have a side yard of a width not less than 25 feet.
From rear lot line: eight feet.