Upon the filing of any application, the Village Clerk shall arrange for a time and place at which the Planning Board will meet to consider the application and shall cause notice of such public hearing to be published and posted in accordance with law. He shall also cause notice of such application to be served either personally or by mail upon the owners or occupants of all property shown upon any such map, plat or plan and any other property lying within five hundred (500) feet thereof or which the Clerk shall deem affected by the application. The Planning Board may, in its discretion, require the giving of additional notice, and for such purpose may adjourn the public hearing.
At the public hearing, citizens and parties in interest will have an opportunity to be heard, and the names and addresses of all persons recorded in connection with such application, together with the substance of their views, shall be entered in the minutes of the Board.
In all cases where the proposed map, plat or plan fails to follow the rules and regulations herein stated, proof shall be presented of the reasons for such deviations and exceptions shall be granted by the Board only in cases of unnecessary hardship and in conformity with the general purpose of the Master Plan of the Village.