[Adopted 9-26-2005 by L.L. No. 8-2005[1]]
Editor's Note: This local law stated that it was subject to permissive referendum and that it would take effect 30 days after adoption if no valid petition requesting such referendum was filed.
The Board of Trustees of the Village of Port Washington North (hereinafter referred to as the “Village”) has determined it will further the health, safety, and welfare of the residents of the Village for the Village to have its own Justice Court to adjudicate local traffic, criminal and building and zoning matters. The Board of Trustees has determined that the creation of the office of Village Justice, with one Village Justice to be elected and the other to be appointed as Acting Village Justice in the absence of the Village Justice, will be sufficient to meet the needs for local law enforcement.
Creation. Pursuant to Village Law § 3-301, Subdivision 2a, the Village does hereby create the office of Village Justice.
Number of Justices. There shall be one elected Village Justice for the Village. The Mayor shall appoint, subject to Board approval, a person to act as Acting Village Justice in the absence or inability of the elected Village Justice.
Term of office. The Office of Village Justice shall be filled at election for a four-year term in accordance with § 3-302, Subdivision 3, of the Village Law. The Acting Village Justice position shall be appointed at the annual meeting of the Board of Trustees following the yearly Village elections and shall be for a one-year term.
Qualifications for office. All Village Justices for the Village shall be required to meet all eligibility requirements of § 3-300 of the Village Law, the Election Law, the Uniform Justice Court Act, rules of the Office of Court Administration, the Public Officers Law, and any other law, rule or regulation of the State of New York pertaining to the office. The Village Justice of the Village shall be a resident of the Village. The Acting Village Justice of the Village need not be a resident of the Village but must be a resident of the County of Nassau.
Powers and duties. The Village Justice and Acting Village Justice of the Village shall be empowered and have all the rights and duties as authorized by law for all other Village Justices and Acting Village Justices within the State of New York in accordance with all state laws, rules and regulations pertaining to same.
Compensation. Compensation for the Village Justice and Acting Village Justice, if any, shall be established from time to time by the Board of Trustees of the Village during its budget process. The Village Justice and Acting Village Justice may serve without compensation, if none is authorized by the Board of Trustees.