[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Port Washington North 11-2-1981 by L.L. No. 8-1981. Amendments noted where applicable.]
It is the duty of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Port Washington North to protect and preserve the health, safety and welfare of the residents of the Village. In furtherance of that duty, the Board of Trustees finds that the use of mechanical bucking devices, commonly referred to as mechanical bulls, has caused and is capable of causing severe personal injury to the user thereof. The Board of Trustees hereby declares that it is the intent of this chapter to protect the residents of the Village of Port Washington North from the dangers inherent in the use of mechanical bucking devices.
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Any mechanically operated machine, apparatus, contrivance or device, the design or purpose of which is to simulate or copy the movements of a steer, bull or other animal, whether or not the same has been constructed in the shape, form and likeness of a steer, bull or other animal, upon which a person or persons is seated as a rider or riders and which machine, apparatus, contrivance or device is operated or operates in a vibrating, pulsating, jerking, bucking or similar fashion in order to or in an attempt to dislodge, unseat or expel the rider or riders.
Any individual, partnership, association or corporation that is an owner, landlord, lessee, tenant, occupant, operator or an executor, administrator, trustee or other legal representative of an owner, landlord, lessee, tenant, occupant or operator of any public place as defined herein.
Any place available to or used by the general public, whether or not an admission fee is charged, including, but not limited to, restaurants, bowling alleys, theaters, shops, stores, bars and other similar establishments.
No mechanical bucking device shall be installed, operated or used in any public place whether or not a fee is charged for the operation or use thereof.
Every person violating § 64-3 of this chapter shall be guilty of a violation which shall be punishable by a fine not exceeding $250 or imprisonment for a period not to exceed 15 days, or both. Each day's continued violation shall be deemed to constitute a separate violation.