No person shall post any written or printed handbills, designs, or any other notice on any shade tree, post or hydrant, telegraph, telephone or electric light pole or in any park or public place within said Village nor shall any person in any manner intentionally or negligently mar, hack, deface or otherwise injure any shade tree, building, awning, sign, signboard, ornamental shrubbery, post or hydrant, telephone, telegraph or electric light pole or break or injure any electric fixtures, light or lamp in any street or public place in the Village, or except as permitted in § 122-7 pile before any door or on any sidewalk or street any boxes, cases or other material of any kind or remove any such articles of which he is not the owner or to the possession of which he is not entitled.
No person shall erect any piazza, steps or obstruction of any kind within the line of any street or sidewalk in the Village or erect any pole in the streets or public places in the Village or extend any wire for telephone, telegraph or electric purposes or hereafter suspend any sign in or across any street or public place in the Village without the permission of the Board of Trustees.
No person shall hereafter set out or plant any tree known as a poplar tree or cottonwood tree on or along any street within the Village of Pulaski or in any place where it will or does affect, injure, or endanger in any way any sewer, drain, water main, catch basin, gutter or sidewalk. All trees known as a poplar tree and cottonwood tree now or hereafter standing and growing in the Village of Pulaski in any place where the same does, may or shall be liable to affect, injure or endanger in any way any sewer, drain, water main, catch basin, gutter or sidewalk are deemed to be a public nuisance and a menace to sewers, catch basins, drains, gutters and sidewalks and all persons owning or in control of any such tree shall cut down and remove such tree if directed so to do by the Board of Trustees. If any person owning or in control of any such tree shall refuse to cut down and remove any such tree within 10 days after notice in writing from the Board of Trustees so to do, such tree or trees shall be cut down and removed by the Superintendent of Public Works and the expense of so doing assessed against property upon or adjoining which the same may stand.