[Added 6-14-1993 by L.L. No. 1-1993]
No civil action shall be maintained against the Village for damage or injury to person or property sustained in consequence of any street, highway, bridge, culvert, sidewalk or crosswalk being defective, out of repair, unsafe, dangerous or obstructed, unless, prior to the occurrence resulting in such damage or injury, written notice of the defective, unsafe, dangerous or obstructed condition of said street, highway, bridge, culvert, sidewalk, or crosswalk, was actually given to the Village Clerk-Treasurer, and unless there was a failure or neglect within a reasonable time after the giving of such written notice, to repair or remove the defect, danger or obstruction complained of. No such action shall be maintained for damage or injury to person or property sustained solely in consequence of the existence of snow or ice upon any sidewalk, crosswalk or street, unless written notice thereof relating to the particular place and condition was actually given to the Village, and there was a failure or neglect to cause such snow or ice to be removed or the place otherwise made reasonably safe within a reasonable time after the receipt of such notice.
The Village shall not be liable in a civil action for damage or injury to person or property, or invasion of personal or property rights of any name or nature whatsoever, whether casual or continuing, arising at law or in equity, alleged to have been caused or sustained in whole or in part by, or because of any omission of duty, wrongful act, fault, neglect, misfeasance, or negligence on the part of the Village or any of its agents, officers, or employees, unless a notice of claim shall have been made and served in compliance with § 50-e of the General Municipal Law, or unless an action shall be commenced thereon within one year after the happening of the event upon which the claim is based; but no action shall be commenced to recover upon or enforce any such claim against the Village until the expiration of three months after the service of such notice. Nothing herein contained, however, shall be held to revive any claim or cause of action now barred by any existing requirement of statute of limitations nor to waive any existing limitation now applicable to any claim or cause of action against the Village.