[Adopted 8-14-1979]
The establishment of a refuse and garbage district in the Town of Somerset to be known as "Town of Somerset Refuse and Garbage District," to be bounded and described as hereinafter set forth, is hereby approved. The collection and disposal of refuse and garbage throughout the area of the entire district shall be provided by means of contracting with a refuse and garbage collector. The cost of said service shall be assessed on the property owners in the district in proportion, as nearly as may be, to the benefit which each lot or parcel will derive therefrom. The maximum amount to be expended for the services will be the annual cost of the contract, which contract will be entered into by the Town after public hearing. The annual cost may change based upon the amount of the annual contract price.
Said district shall be bounded and described as follows: all that tract or parcel of land being the entire Town of Somerset outside of the Village of Barker.