[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Tonawanda 6-20-1994 by L.L. No. 5-1994. Amendments noted where applicable.]
The purpose of the Town of Tonawanda Employee Suggestion Program is to secure for the Town of Tonawanda and its taxpayers the maximum benefit from the conservation of town resources. The program recognizes that the employees of the Town of Tonawanda represent an unlimited source of ideas for new ways to better serve the public. The offering of monetary and honorary awards is intended to offer a significant incentive for employees to become involved in the creative process and to amplify the capabilities of management. The program recognizes that every employee will, by identifying problems and providing possible solutions, become in a very real sense a part of the creative management team.
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
All town employees, whether full-time, part-time or volunteer, are eligible to submit suggestions. Former employees are also eligible as long as the suggestions were submitted prior to separation of service with the town, such separation was voluntary and the suggestion is implemented within one year of submittal. Department heads and supervisors, where supervisors' job responsibilities call for them to seek methods to improve operations or services, shall not be eligible for cash awards for suggestions which deal with operations under their own supervision. They may, however, receive cash awards for suggestions that deal with operations other than those under their supervision or assigned general responsibility. Members of the Town Board may never receive cash awards.
This Board shall consist of the following individuals: the Town Supervisor; two Town Board members, to be appointed annually at the town reorganization meeting; and two private citizens with business backgrounds, to be appointed annually at the town reorganization meeting.
The Merit Award Board shall have the power and duty to make rules and regulations pertaining to the payment of employee awards. All decisions of the Merit Award Board regarding the worthiness of a suggestion for an award and the amount of such award shall be final and binding and shall not be subject to review in any court or before any other body, except as provided for in the rules and regulations promulgated in accordance with this chapter.
Members of the Merit Award Board shall not receive any salary or compensation for service as members of such Board.
This Committee shall consist of the following individuals: the Director of Labor Relations; the Town Comptroller; three private citizens with business backgrounds, to be appointed by the Town Supervisor; and a department head as designated by the Town Supervisor.
The Suggestion Review Committee shall receive all suggestions, as defined above, review them and forward their recommendations to the Merit Award Board for final determination. The Suggestion Review Committee may use other resources in order to complete their investigation/analysis.
The Suggestion Review Committee shall have the power and duty to make all rules and regulations implementing the receipt of suggestions by employees, the review of such suggestions by the Suggestion Review Committee and the criteria for determining which suggestions shall be forwarded to the Merit Award Board. All decisions of the Suggestion Review Committee shall be final and binding and shall not be subject to review in any court or before any other body, except as provided for in rules and regulations promulgated in accordance with this chapter.
Members of the Suggestion Review Committee shall not receive any salary or compensation for service as members of the Committee.
A definite, constructive, original idea or a new application of an old idea submitted in writing by one or more eligible town employees which is intended to do the following: increase productivity; conserve town resources; reduce town costs; or improve the morale of town employees. The suggestions must not be the kind which employees are reasonably expected to develop in the course of their regular duties. The Merit Award Board retains complete authority in defining acceptable suggestions and in accepting or rejecting such suggestions.
All necessary procedures for the submission and review of suggestions, or for the awarding of either monetary or honorary awards, will be established by the Suggestion Review Committee or the Merit Award Board, respectively, subject to the following guidelines:
All suggestions become the property of the Town of Tonawanda upon their receipt, and all decisions of the Merit Award Board or the Suggestion Review Committee shall be final and binding and nonreviewable, except as provided for in the rules and regulations promulgated in accordance with this chapter.
Duplicate suggestions cannot be given consideration for cash awards. If duplicate suggestions are dated on the same day, the time received in the Town Personnel Office shall govern the original and shall be the only one eligible for award.
In order to be eligible for a cash award, a suggestion with tangible benefits must result in at least $250 in projected savings during the first year after implementation.
The amount of the cash award made for an adopted suggestion shall be established by the Merit Award Board. Ten percent of the first year's savings, with no cap, may be used as a guide.
All employees who have a suggestion adopted, either individually or in collaboration with others, will receive an Employee Suggestion Award Certificate and a letter of commendation, both of which will become a permanent part of their personnel record.
All monetary awards will be charged to the budget of the department which benefits most from the suggestion.
Said rules and regulations shall govern the character and quality of suggestions; the method of their submission and the procedures for their review; the manner in which suggestions will be passed on to the Merit Award Board; the kind, character and value of awards; the issuance and payment of such awards; and any other policies and procedures as may be deemed necessary or appropriate for the proper administration of this chapter.
The Town Board is hereby empowered to fund and expend moneys for the purpose of this chapter.
Local Law No. 3-1980, providing for the establishment of a Merit Award Board for the Town of Tonawanda, New York, and also known as "Chapter 19, Merit Award Board, of the Code of the Town of Tonawanda, New York," is hereby repealed.