[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Tonawanda 7-15-1974 as Chapter 29 of the 1974 Code of the Town of Tonawanda. Amendments noted where applicable.]
No person shall fire or discharge any gun, pistol, firearm or slingshot or any rocket, torpedo or other fireworks of any description or carry or transport the same in any park unless upon permission of the Town Board.
Editor's Note: See also Ch. 83, Firearms; and Ch. 89, Fireworks; Explosives.
No person shall climb any tree or injure, deface, disturb or befoul any part of a town park or any buildings, signs, equipment or other property found therein or remove, cut down, cut, injure or destroy any tree, flower, shrub, ornament, statue, fence, bridge, structure or other property within any park or park approach or within any other area under the control of the Superintendent of Parks.
No person shall kindle, build, maintain or use a fire in any town park or park approach for any purpose except in a stove, fireplace, oven or fire circle provided for that purpose. A fire shall be continuously under the care and direction of a competent person from the time it is kindled until it is extinguished. Lighted matches, cigarettes, cigars or burning tobacco must not be deposited or left where they may cause fires.[2]
Editor's Note: For additional provisions on fires, see Ch. 85, Fire Hazards; Open Burning; and Ch. 111, Housing Standards, § 111-42F.
Editor's Note: Former § 29-4, Garbage and refuse, which immediately followed this section in the 1974 Code of the Town of Tonawanda, was repealed 6-9-1980 by L.L. No. 6-1980. See Ch. 127, Littering.
No person shall bring any dog or dogs into any town park unless the same are on leashes and kept on leashes while in the park.
Editor's Note: For additional regulations pertaining to dogs, see Ch. 71, Dogs.
No person shall hunt game within the boundaries of a park.
No person shall bathe, wade or swim in any waters, pools or lakes except at such times and in such places as the Superintendent may designate or maintain as bathing areas and unless so covered with a bathing suit as to prevent indecent exposure of the person. No person shall dress or undress in any park or park approach except in such places as may be designated or maintained for that purpose.
No person shall bring into a town park, use or have in his possession while there, any implement, device or cards commonly used for gambling purposes.
No person shall use, ride or drive a horse in any park area except over bridle paths or other paths established for said purpose. No rider shall travel at a gait in excess of a trot while in the parks, to preserve the safety of the public and avoid endangering children at play.
[Added 5-12-1980[1]]
The Town Board or Recreation Department of the Town of Tonawanda shall designate buildings, shelters and locations within the parks and recreation areas of the town which may be reserved for the exclusive use by a group of persons. No person or persons shall occupy or use any such building, shelter or location unless such use has been authorized by the town through the issuance of a special permit. Application for such permit shall be made to the Recreation Department of the town and shall include such information and certification as required by the Recreation Department or the Town Board. Such application may be granted or denied under such circumstances and conditions as prescribed by the Town Board or Recreation Department. Such permit shall be in a form prescribed by the Recreation Department and shall be available for inspection by any town official or employee during the time the permit is operative. Such permit may provide for an exception to any applicable local laws and ordinances and in such a case shall state the terms and conditions under which said exceptions shall apply. Such permit may be revoked at any time by the Town Board, Recreation Department or Police Department of the town upon reasonable belief of a violation of any of the conditions under which the permit was issued.
Editor's Note: This ordinance also repealed former § 29-10 of the 1974 Code of the Town of Tonawanda, which pertained to the use of liquor and beer in parks.
No person shall drive or cause to be driven along or over any road within any town park any vehicle at a speed in excess of 15 miles per hour, nor shall any person park or cause to be parked any vehicle at any point where a sign prohibiting parking has been erected pursuant to the direction of the Town Superintendent of Parks. Snowmobiles, motorcycles, motor-driven cycles, motor scooters and bicycles with motors attached are strictly prohibited within the boundaries of any town park.
No person, firm or corporation shall sell or offer for sale within the town parks any property or privilege whatsoever unless authorized by the Town Board.
[Amended 4-14-1980]
No person shall enter or remain in a park, playground or recreation facility owned and/or maintained by the Town of Tonawanda between sunset and sunrise the following day except:
Where a person is traveling to or from or participating in an event or activity under the direct supervision of the Town of Tonawanda.
Where a person is traveling to or from or is participating in the use of a facility or location for which use the town has issued a special permit to allow the use thereof by said person during such hours.
Where a person is using the town boat-launching facility for the purposes of boating or fishing.
[Amended 5-21-1984 by L.L. No. 8-1984]
Any violation by a person, firm or corporation of any provision of this chapter shall be deemed a violation punishable by a fine not to exceed $250 or by imprisonment for a period not to exceed 15 days, or both.
Any person who takes part in or assists in any violation of this chapter shall also be subject to the penalties provided herein.
Each day that a violation of this chapter is committed or permitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense.