It shall not constitute a violation of this article for any person to keep, maintain, house or possess a horse, pony or other equine livestock, provided that:
Not more than two horses, ponies or equine livestock are kept, maintained, housed or possessed for each one acre of land.
[Amended 10-4-2005 by L.L. No. 10-2005]
A stable with a minimum of 50 square feet of stall space for each animal is maintained, in conformity with all provisions of this Code pertaining to the erection and occupancy of structures. Stall dividers must be at least four feet in height with no more than two-inch openings between the stall base (lower 1/4 of the stall divider) and the floor.
Any such stable is located not less than 50 feet from any dwelling, other than a dwelling house located on the same plot of land as the stable.
Any such stable or corral is located behind the rear line of any dwelling house located on the same plot of land as the stable and is set back a minimum of 10 feet from any property line.
One or more enclosed corrals with a minimum of 400 square feet per animal are maintained for the use of any such animal and are enclosed by a suitable fence not less than five feet in height.
Adequate plastic, wooden or metal covered containers are maintained for the storage of manure in such a manner as not to cause discomfort or inconvenience for residents of adjoining property and not to endanger the public health or safety.
All such storage of manure is located at least 30 feet from any property line.
All stockpiles of manure, the corral and the stall area are adequately limed at least once every week.
All grain-type feed is kept or stored in a rodentproof container.
No equine livestock is permitted to remain unattended in any front or side yard.
No horse, pony or equine livestock is ridden, lead or permitted on any sidewalk.
Dead equine livestock are not disposed of on private property but shall be disposed of as directed by the Village.
The owner of equine livestock is able to produce, upon demand, proof of compliance with all applicable county, state and federal laws and regulations as to the testing, innoculation and vaccination of equine livestock.
The owner of equine livestock is able to produce, upon demand, a valid permit for each head of equine livestock. A permit for each head of equine livestock must be obtained from the Village Clerk at a fee to be set by resolution of the Board of Trustees and shall be valid for a two-year period running from the date of issuance.
Any person keeping, maintaining, housing or possessing equine livestock, in compliance with all relevant local laws of the Village of Islandia, as of the effective date of this chapter, shall be exempt from the requirements set forth in § 67-17(A)(1), (3) and (4).
No person shall permit any equine livestock to run loose without a rider upon the streets or public ways of the Village.
The Village Board of Appeals may, after due notice and a public hearing, grant a special exception as to the requirements of § 67-17A(1), (3) and (4). Such special exception shall not be for a period of time greater than two years and shall be renewable upon application and after a public hearing for additional two-year periods. Any such special exception shall automatically terminate upon the conveyance of the real property for which such special exception is granted.