It shall not constitute a violation of this article for any person to keep, maintain, house, possess or allow to fly for exercise pigeons, provided that such pigeons are so kept as not to constitute a nuisance or to create a hazard to public health.
Such pigeons shall be deemed to be so kept as not to constitute a nuisance or to create a hazard to public health, provided that there is compliance with the following conditions:
Pigeons are allowed out of the lofts or houses in which they are kept for exercise for not longer than two hours in the forenoon of any day and for not longer than two hours in the afternoon of any day, except when returning home from a training toss or a race.
The lofts or houses in which such pigeons are kept must be cleaned regularly and at least once each day, or at least shall always be maintained in a sanitary condition.
Pigeon refuse and pigeon feed must be stored in metal containers with metal covers or in a rodentproof container.
There shall be at least one square foot of floor space in any loft or house in which such pigeons are kept for each such pigeon kept therein.
Any person may keep, maintain or house poultry, provided that such poultry does not constitute a nuisance or create a hazard to public health.
As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Includes chickens, turkeys, geese, ducks, pheasant or other domestically maintained fowl.
Poultry shall be deemed to constitute a nuisance or to create a hazard to public health in the absence of compliance with the following conditions:
Poultry shall be kept or maintained only in rear yards enclosed on all sides by a fence.
No more than 15 birds herein defined as "poultry" may be kept or maintained for every 500 square feet of rear yard space being used for the keeping of poultry.
Poultry shall be confined at all times to the property on which they are kept, possessed or maintained.
Poultry refuse and feed must be stored in metal containers with metal covers or in a rodentproof container.
No person who keeps, possesses, maintains or houses poultry shall permit the poultry to make noises of such a nature as to be heard beyond the property on which such poultry are harbored between 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m.
The area in which poultry are kept shall be cleaned regularly (at least once each day) and shall always be maintained in a sanitary condition.
All structures in which poultry are kept are accessory buildings requiring building permits.