All licenses or permits granted under any Village ordinance are granted upon such terms and conditions as may be set forth by the Board of Trustees and upon the further express condition that the same may be revoked by the Board of Trustees upon failure to continue to comply with such terms and conditions. All licenses and permits granted hereunder shall terminate on December 31 of the year in which issued and shall not be transferable.
All money collected on the issuance of permits and licenses shall be paid into the Village Treasury and shall be applied to the general fund of the Village.
It shall be unlawful for any person, either directly or indirectly, to conduct any business or nonprofit enterprise, or to use in connection therewith any vehicle, machine or device, for which a license or permit is required by any schedule adopted by the Board of Trustees without a license or permit therefor first being procured and kept in effect at all times. For purpose of this chapter, any person shall be deemed to conduct any business or nonprofit enterprise within the Village and thus be subject to the requirements of Subsections A and B of this section, when he does any one act of:
Selling any goods or service.
Soliciting business or offering goods or services for sale or hire.
Using any vehicle or any premises in the Village for business purposes.
Exhibiting for money any sporting event, motion picture, theatrical or musical production or other form of entertainment.
Any person that shall hereafter desire to conduct any of the businesses within the Village for which a license shall be required by the Village or any person that shall desire to continue any such business within the Village of Lake Success hereafter shall, before commencing or attempting to commence or attempting to continue any such business, obtain a license therefor in the following manner:
Application, in writing, shall be made to the Clerk of the Village for the issuance of a license therefor, which application shall state in detail the particular business for which a license is desired, the location within the Village where such business is to be carried on and the name of the person applying for such license, specifying the residence of the principal place of business of such applicant or agent and the name of the officer, in the case of a corporation, upon whom process or other legal notice may be served within the Village, and such other information as may be required in connection therewith.
Upon receiving such application, accompanied by the required fee, the Clerk of the Village shall present the same to the Board of Trustees, and if the Board shall, within its sole judgment and discretion, be satisfied that the issuance of a license would be proper in accordance with applicable law, then said Trustees shall issue or cause to be issued a license signed by the Mayor of the Village and countersigned by the Clerk. There shall be an annual license fee for those businesses requiring licenses in accordance with the Schedule of Fees adopted by the Board of Trustees.[1] Each licensee must keep his license posted in a conspicuous place in his premises within the Village or upon any vehicle used within the Village for such business purpose.
Editor's Note: See Ch. A111, Fees.